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Messages - johny.blue

Pages: [1]
Nexus 7 Help / Re: can't transfer music from my computer to my nexus 7
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:34:58 PM »
so apparently debugging it kind of work, but i can't drag from itunes or windows media player...i have to put music on the desktop and then drag it to the nexus from there and it works. so kind of crappy glitch i guess? i've had no luck with this thing.

Nexus 7 Help / Re: can't transfer music from my computer to my nexus 7
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:42:13 PM »
Sorry for your frustration. When you drag an mp3 to your music folder on the Nexus What is the error message? What do you mean by it won't copy? Did you try to copy and paste as suggested above? Do you use an app like Astro to see your file system on the Nexus?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

i get no error message at all :/

Nexus 7 Help / Re: can't transfer music from my computer to my nexus 7
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:39:37 PM »
My first suggestion, which you assumed correct that it was addressed before, would be to use Google Play music to upload your music to the cloud and selectively pin the desired music to the device.

For the manual drag and drop method, what app on the device are you using to look for the music. Does the file transfer fail from the PC? We need just a little more info...

Sent From my Dual-boot Razr Maxx (PNuT.BuTTa.JB.v1.0.4a-R3Ds themed URBaN.v1.1) via Tapatalk 2

when i attempt to drag and drop the music into the the nexus 7 in my computer, it simply doesnt go in. Most times when you drag and drop things you'll get a plus sign or something when you hover or the folder you'd like to drop the file in, i get "not allowed" symbol.

Nexus 7 Help / can't transfer music from my computer to my nexus 7
« on: January 08, 2013, 07:30:18 AM »
forgive me if this is already a post, i'm just super frustrated with this Nexus 7 and honestly at this point just need help didn't feel like searching through past post. :/

I'm trying to transfer music from my computer(pc) to my nexus via a usb cable.

i plugged it in, selected MTP, and selected "open device to view files" when promoted by my computer.

so far i've tried dragging and dropping files from itunes, windows media, and even the desktop but nothing will copy in.

add this to the fact that i have yet to find any real uses from my nexus that i can't already do on my phone (mind you i have the FIRST evo :/ ), and you can understand why im ready to chug this thing at the wall or resell it.

someone help me out?

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