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Messages - adelgabot

Pages: [1]
Try as I might, I can't find anyone selling an Asus Dock for the Nexus 7 in Manila, Philippines.

I've tried the Asus outlets and the gadget stores around here and there are none. The Asus store doesn't even have any idea what I'm talking about. Been trying for months.

I know, you can buy them abroad, online via eBay and the various sellers, but I'd rather not take that route.

On the off-chance someone from Manila who can sell me one, brand-new or used, is reading this, please contact me.

Thanks a lot.

New Member Introductions / Hello from Manila, The Philippines
« on: February 06, 2013, 03:58:49 AM »
Hi. I'm Adel Gabot, a writer from Manila, and I just bought a 32GB Nexus 7. I also have an iMac, iPad 3 and several other gadgets.

Happy to be here, and hope to be participating.

Pages: [1]

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