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Messages - richg99

Pages: [1]
Thank you very much. That worked fine. 

Prior to posting here, I did a Google search of the same question.  Now I know not to bother with anyplace other than here.    regards, Rich

I changed my password on my Gmail account.  That worked fine.  I used it on my laptop perfectly.

However, my Nexus 7 gives me an error message when I turn it on. "COULDN'T SIGN IN" YOU TYPED AN INCORRECT PASSWORD ( It still has the old password remembered, obviously). It then says RETYPE YOUR PASSWORD ( no place is provided to do that).  it then says IF YOU FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD AND NEED TO RECOVER CLICK ...H E R E ...Clicking on that location just puts me into an endless loop.   

I even tried deleting my gmail account app....but...it really doesn't let me do that...Just reloads the original app.

Somewhere on the Nexus 7 I MUST be able to change the automatic password...but..I don't know where.  Any help appreciated.  thanks,  Rich

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Battery disconnects
« on: April 10, 2013, 02:26:37 PM »
I don't know exactly what the contacts look like, but often electrical contacts can be slightly spread (wider) by a drop or jarring on any electrical device. 

A slight squeeze with pair of long nose pliers can help a lot.....but....be careful.  rich

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Unable to add ...The Old Reader... to my front page
« on: April 10, 2013, 02:17:44 PM »
THANK YOU!   That did it.  I don't know what step I was leaving out...but...bang!!! It is there now.   

Really appreciate your help and sites like this. I can usually muddle through on my own.   regards, rich

p.s. I have saved the instructions...hope I don't have to bother you again.

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Unable to add ...The Old Reader... to my front page
« on: April 10, 2013, 10:59:38 AM »
Oh,,,and yes...under Widgets,  there is a "widget" called bookmark. 

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Unable to add ...The Old Reader... to my front page
« on: April 10, 2013, 10:57:15 AM »
Well, as an experiment, I tried to add Nexus7forum.com to my front page, and that didn't work either. Perhaps I am just not doing it correctly...and I have forgotten the exact procedure that I used in the past.

Would someone mind just listing what the process is to add a web site to my front page?  thanks   rich

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Unable to add ...The Old Reader... to my front page
« on: April 10, 2013, 10:51:36 AM »
Browser is CHROME  and adding other websites has not been a problem.

When you go to bookmarks, are there mobile, other, desktop etc. folders to choose from? Yes...

In the applications drawer, widget section, is there a widget for your browser's bookmarks that could be placed on a home screen?  Not sure I fully understand this. There are many widgets in that section, but none from The Old Reader.

thanks for the help.   Rich

Nexus 7 Help / Unable to add ...The Old Reader... to my front page
« on: April 10, 2013, 10:04:33 AM »
I have done a search, but don't even know the right terms. Sorry.

In the past, I have been able to go to a website; click on the "3 menu bars?" and" save the bookmark to my desktop". Then, I could long-press on the bookmark itself and I get a message asking if I want to "place it on the desktop". That has worked fine for a number of sites that I frequent often.

However, with www.theoldreader.com....I say "place it on to desktop bookmarks" but it never shows up????? What am I doing wrong this time?  I've done the save thing two or three times.

thanks Rich

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