December 04, 2024, 02:33:38 AM


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Messages - Colin

Pages: [1]
I just bought an Asus Memo 8 for my wife and I particularly liked the Camera software. Does anyone know if I can identify it and install in on my Nexus 7. I've been through many camera apps but they are all missing something for my needs.

The App Info screen on the Nexus says Camera version 2.0.002 (937116-30) whereas the Memo 8 says Camera version 4.0.4 and the icons are different.

I thought it would be as simple as looking for the icon in the app store and installing it to my nexus but I've been through all the camera apps twice and I haven't seen it.
Any help appreciated.

Hey All
I need to connect my New Nexus 7 to the internet via ethernet cable. I know it could be done on the previous version but this one seems to have a bug. I found this post
that says it can still be done on the new Nexus if you root it.

For advanced users familiar with rooting devices and flashing custom ROMS, the latest CyanogenMod builds should now have this fixed.

This is the cyanogenMod link:
but I can't understand a thing there.

Has anyone managed to do this?


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