2013 Nexus 7 Discussion Forums (2nd Generation, Nexus 7 FHD, Nexus 7.2) > New Nexus 7 Connect (MicroUSB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, Slim Port) (2nd Gen)

5 GHz router speeds.


I bought an Asus rt-ac56u router with USB ports for ext. drives. On the 5 GHz channel I get around 100-130mbps to an HD as ftp server. The same HD as smb server gets around 15mbps. Any tips to improve speed or is this about the max?

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I tried merging the ssids of the two radios on the router, but I don't think the nexus 7 will connect to both simultaneously. Rats.

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Seems that android uses ncifs stack for samba. Slow with all clients and devices. Ftp it is then.

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