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Messages - liltyke

Pages: [1]
I noticed that the 'settings' icon has changed. I haven't noticed anything else different. All my apps still work so that's a plus.

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Transfer to new nexus
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:08:22 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll go check them out. Not rooted so it seems my options will be limited.

Nexus 7 Help / Transfer to new nexus
« on: December 20, 2012, 09:28:53 PM »
Hi all. I have just bought a 32gb N7 to replace my 16gb N7. I have my 16gb set up how I like it, apps grouped in folders, apps on certain pages etc. Is there an easy way to transfer everything to my 32gb?? I'd love to be able to hit a magic button and have my 32gb set up just like my 16gb without spending hours doing so.

Thanks for any suggestions.

My guess would be that they drop the 8gb and the 16 drops to $199 and the 32 comes in at $250. Google hit a home run with the price point of the N7 and I wouldn't expect them to mess with that. Then they can add a 4g version with a annual fee like Amazon has done with the new Fire and have a very strong position in the market.

No update yet for me. Not rooted either.

Well this rumor is looking pretty legit. Just google the model number NEXUS7 ASUS-1B32 and there sites that have them listed for sale. $270 price point looks common also.

Loved the sale. Picked up probably ten apps I wouldn't have grabbed otherwise. 

Google, you listening???

Hopefully competition will bring us a provision for expandable memory. I hate my 16gb ceiling.

Pages: [1]

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