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Messages - Diver4242

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Just wondering if there's any trade-in program to send in an old/original Nexus 7 for a new one.

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: Stream device on TV?
« on: November 07, 2012, 07:47:11 AM »
I read that Android 4.2 has a wireless HDMI feature, so couldn't that be used (when we get it on N7 later this month) to stream any audio/video content from the N7 to the TV, without having to buy anything?

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: Firefox Sync Suck?
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:56:44 PM »
Well all of my bookmarks and other stuff are in Firefox and that's what I use/know, and in order to get this function I'd have to switch to Chrome on all my machines (laptop, etc) so no thanks!

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Firefox Sync Suck?
« on: October 12, 2012, 10:01:38 AM »
I can't get Firefox Sync working between my N7 and laptop (Sony Vaio Win 7). I get it set up on the N7 and see the codes. Then on the laptop, I enter the codes, which causes then N7 to go into waiting for other device mode, so it sees something. Then on the laptop it takes me to the account screen and when I press 'I have an account' it does nothing. If I press 'setup a new account' it opens the screen, takes the info, and just goes away. I have FF 16.01 and just got the new FF beta push on my N7, so I'm up to date. I've been trying it since I got the N7.

I got the Ionic one (3-pack) based on reviews, no bubbles and happy with it, it's been on a few weeks. Hard to tell it's even on there. No affiliation.

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Moving the cursor without deleting?
« on: October 08, 2012, 09:19:50 AM »
On my HTC Incredible 2, when I am using the soft keyboard, there are arrow buttons to move the cursor around in an email or text or whatever. I don't see those on the N7 keyboard, which is frustrating when I'm entering a URL in the browser address or something. Are they hidden somewhere? It's frustrating to have to backspace over good stuff to change one character way back.

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: Do you turn your Nexus off?
« on: October 04, 2012, 12:33:01 PM »
I put mine in airplane mode when not using  it, and overnight. makes the battery go a lot longer before it needs a charge.

If your phone offers a mobile wifi hotspot feature, where it will use cellular connection and appear like a wireless hub to your N7, that might work.

Nexus 7 General Discussion / HBO Go Volume Too Low
« on: September 05, 2012, 02:32:07 PM »
I was excited to use HBO Go, but through the N7 speakers it's too low, barely able to hear in a quiet room. i have the volume rocker all the way up and the app volume all the way up. playing transformers movie, music, etc is fine, just this app is hard to hear. I posted in the app store as a review, has anyone else experienced this or have a solution? I don't want to have to use earphones or bluetooth. Thanks.

Nexus 7 Apps / National Geographic Android App?
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:37:32 PM »
I don't see a real app for the NG magazine, just the TV thing with videos and some other thing that redirects to web pages. I was using it on someone's iPad and really wanted to get my own subscription for my N7, but I guess it's iPad only. Can someone verify before I have to give my bucks to iTunes and use it on my friend's iPad?

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Google Now (what?)
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:50:02 PM »
I have google now turned on for my Nexus 7, have had it for a week or so and traveled around different places, googled some of my favorite sports teams, etc. Disappointingly, none of the 'google now' magic is happening - the only card that shows is the weather. boring! i googled 'new york yankees' a few times, but it never shows any card with the scores or upcoming games. i have location services turned on (but not the gps receiver) and of course wifi is on. i clicked on my calendar and my appointments, etc are in there but i never get any appointment card showing.

This music manager thing really sucks. It was very buggy and hard to use. It didn't let me select what I wanted to upload as I expected, just took off after one of the Next button presses and started uploading everything in my My Music folder on my laptop, which contained instructional albums and things I didn't want to upload. I stopped it and then started doing one folder/album at a time but then for some reason it went back and uploaded everything. Now it's a mess. But I was thinking maybe I'll leave some of the instructional mp3s on the N7, but how do I indicate that they are not music and hence shouldn't be included in a shuffle of all of my music?

Ok, all is resolved except where is the free game that's supposed to be on it? Or do I download it from somewhere? I don't see it in the apps anywhere.

When I received my Nexus 7 (16gb) I noticed that there were two layers of the black tape that holds the cover on the box. The first layer was already cut, then someone retaped a second layer on it. Did anyone else notice that, or did I get a refurb (unlikely since it's new!) or something? Maybe they had to make changes after boxing them?

Second I don't see the free game I'm supposed to have on there - I see play books, play music, etc but don't see the game anywhere. do i have to download it? Also don't see the $25 credit, do I have to go to the google wallet or play store to see it?

Nexus 7 General Discussion / how to log out!?
« on: July 18, 2012, 03:10:31 PM »
I'm already frustrated. This tablet has me all logged into gmail etc. I want to log out so if I let some use it or check it out thy can't read my email. I will login when i check mail. Can't find logout anywhere. Epic usability fail, Google!

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