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Messages - samalex

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Yup, TuneIn is a MUST app for anyone, I've used it for a couple of years now on my Android phone, and it's pretty much replaced Netflix for me while in the car (still have Unlimited Verizon plan, so can stream all day if I want). 

Also what I like is they have more than just streaming music in their catalogs, you can listen to amateur radio repeaters, police frequencies, streaming radio stations from across the world (LBC 97.3 in London, WBAI in NYC, and WUSB in Stoneybrook being my faves) , not to mention other streams from SomaFM and more.

So yup, if you don't already use this, get it now... I grabbed the Pro version on Nexus 7 since I had the $25 gift card, but the freebie one is nice too, that's still what I use on my phone.

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Facebook katana is a battery hog
« on: August 06, 2012, 12:01:05 PM »
I've actually noticed the same thing, though not as drastic of a battery drain as you.  I rarely use Facebook but last week installed it on my N7.  Within hours I started seeing posts from family showing-up in my Notification window and as you I noticed the battery app showing FB being a hog.  So I disabled Notifications all together which helped some, but it still drained.  After two days I just removed the FB app all together and all has been fine going sometimes two or three days between charges.

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: nexus 7 gets hot after small use.
« on: July 31, 2012, 12:15:44 PM »
I haven't noticed mine get hot either, not even warm in the slightest.

New Member Introductions / Re: Writing a Book on the Nexus 7
« on: July 30, 2012, 07:36:37 AM »
Totally OT but I used to be completely in love with Hypercard, so great to see someone else who appreciated it back in the day :) 

But definitely a basic books about the Nexus 7 would be great for those who don't have their heads in the tech world.  It's quite honestly an amazing little device, and I'd think many more would jump into one if they had the manual you're talking about writing. 

So definitely keep us updated as it evolves ...

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Voice Output??
« on: July 30, 2012, 07:32:06 AM »
Some general facts it will return voices, like for example if I ask it "Who is Gene Roddenberry's Wife" it'll say and show a picture of "Majel Barret Roddenberry".  (he created Star Trek for those who aren't into scifi).  I've asked general and direct questions like this plus sports and some weather questions and gotten a direct voice answer back.  Also if I ask "Play a song by Van Halen" it'll start playing music through Google Music.  It's the more general questions taht'll either bring-up a web search.  My kids like to ask "show me a picture of Superman" and it's smart enough to use Google Image, which is something else neat.

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: Droid TV
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:24:22 AM »
It looks neat, but do they have more programs and movies than Netflix?  Also what about live tv? 

There was no echo using Talkatone, just about a second delay which made me and the person I talked to step on each other a few times.  But other then that the call quality was great.  The person i talked to said it sounded like I was in a tunnel though, but without a Bluetooth headset it's basically a speakerphone so that's to be expected.

The only miff I have is the volume is pretty quiet on all telephony apps I've used including Talkatone, Skype, and even Google Hangouts and Echolink.  But maybe that'll be something that gets fixed in an update since I've seen many others complain about it.

But all and all I'm impressed...  The only thing they could add that would make it even cooler is better phone integration so I can make calls from the browser, Maps, or even Google Now.   If I say "CALL ...." it just says "not supported on this device".

New Member Introductions / Re: Writing a Book on the Nexus 7
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:18:40 AM »
Welcome :)  Have you written any other tech books?  If so which ones?  Maybe some of us have them on our shelves...

Also good to hear a N7 book is on its way.  The N7 has LOTS of nooks and crannies that aren't often highlighted, so this will be great for newcomers.

Nexus 7 Accessories / Re: TreeGloo Nexus 7 Case
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:15:41 AM »
mrsdroid, Thanks ... I'm a huge fan of Leo Laporte and what he says is golden (to me anyway), so I'll follow his advice and slip over these guys.

Also what TWiT Netcast did he mention TreeGloo? I'd be interested in hearing it?

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: (godawful) home screens & widgets
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:14:18 AM »
If you're used to the iPad then I can see why the N7 might be funky.  Just to say how I do it, I have various screens for different functions, for example one screen has my productivity stuff like calendar widget, tasks, and so forth. One has my telephony stuff like icons to Talkatone, Skype, Google Voice, etc.  Another screen has the multimedia widgets to TuneIn, Google Music, plus icons for Pandora, Spotify, etc. 

So for me I organize each screen to have different functions, and based on what I need it's pretty simple to swipe left or right to get to what I need easily enough.  And doing it for a few days muscle memory kicks in so I just instinctively know that if I need to call someone I just swipe Left once. 

My wife has an iPhone and iPad, and honestly I get boggled when I use those because to me those are illogically setup... the android layout though seems to work quite well.  But it definitely depends on what you're used to for sure.  Also as others have pointed out there are other launchers you can use.  I use Go Launcher Ex on my Kindle Fire which is amazing, and nova launcher is nice too.  But personally I like the stock launcher that comes with the N7.

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: Droid TV
« on: July 26, 2012, 03:18:34 PM »
What's Droid TV?

Nexus 7 Apps / Re: Google News
« on: July 26, 2012, 03:18:20 PM »
I highly recommend Flipboard for News.


I guess for me while at home my cell phone generally gets unloaded out of my pockets to the counter with the wallet, keys, etc, and I don't mess with it until the next day other then plugging it into the charger.  But my N7 pretty much is by my side all the time.  Just last night I had to call my folks and instead of having to walk all the way across the house for the cell phone I just called from the N7...

Yeah, total first world problem :)

I use Chrome most of the time on my desktop, and given I drink the Google koolaid I keep them all signed into Google services so I can share bookmarks and other content between each instance.  Well I just found a bridge that was introduced in ICS that's pretty neat - Chrome to Mobile.

Basically you add the Chrome to Mobile extension to Chrome on your Desktop, and then verify Chrome to Mobile is enabled on your Nexus 7 (Chrome > Settings > tap Email Address > Chrome to Mobile checked).  And when this is all done when viewing a website on the desktop you can click the phone icon in the Address Bar and the current website will load on your Nexus 7.

I don't always have both devices sitting next to me, but there are times when I could see this being beneficial if I'm say pulling up a recipe or some other instructions for whatever and want to forward it to my Nexus 7 to carry across the house. 

Also I tried to get screenshots of this, but whenever I brought-up the Chrome to Mobile bubble from Chrome it disappeared as soon as I pressed Printscreen... so here's the screenshot from Google:

Also I've tested it and it works rather well, though I think the plugin may still be considered Beta so your mileage may vary. 

I tried that with my iPhone 4. The Nexus 7 shows my iPhone 4, and then on my iPhone 4 it shows connected, but it doesn't stay that way or work at all. I can't get my nexus 7 to pair with my Bluetooth Stereo headset either (Jabra Halo 2, great Bluetooth Stereo Headset !).

Hmm, I'm not sure how it works with the iPhone, mine is a two year old DroidX which does seem to work.  I'm actually thinking of sending the phone in for warranty repair since the screen has a couple of dead spots but if tethering through Bluetooth doesn't work on other Android phones I can live with the dead spots to have unlimited internet anywhere on the N7 :)

As for your Bluetooth Stereo headset I can't give much insight there either.  I did pair my N7 with my Ford Escape's stereo and it worked great, even while still connected to my phone to feed it Internet.  I was quite impressed, but I don't have any other bluetooth devices to test with.

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