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Topics - Rabbit

Pages: 1 [2]
Nexus 7 Audio/Video / GrooVe I.P. Lite
« on: January 01, 2013, 07:09:44 AM »
Happy New Year!    And thanks for taking the time to read this question and help if you can.
Last night I downloaded GrooVe I.P. Lite to my Nexus 7
The GV logo is green and I am able to dial.  (all numbers including area code)
I get the following message:
"We could not complete you call.  Please try again."
Following FAQ I should make an outgoing call from GMail using the Call Phone Option under Chat.
Problem is I can't find Chat or (obviously) the Call Phone Option under it.
What am I missing here?
Rob    ;D

Nexus 7 Apps / Google Email/Links
« on: December 29, 2012, 03:24:45 PM »
I access my Google Email account both on my Nexus 7 and on my Macbook.
Occasionally an email message will include a link to some web site which is no problem on either machine IF the link is only one line long.
In that case, simply clicking on the link will take me where I need to go.
If, however, the link goes into a second line I have to highlight the complete link and then copy and paste to my address line at the top of the screen.
This is no problem on the MacBook but I can't figure out how to highlight, copy and paste on the Nexus.
Must be simple, eh?
Appreciate any help you can offer.   :'(

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Customer Service from BSCstore!
« on: December 21, 2012, 07:22:49 AM »
Recently ordered a Moko case for my Nexus 7 from BSC.  Arrived in a couple of days.  Was very pleased until I realized I couldn't use my tablet with the cover folded against the back.  It would auto shut off.  (ref: thread in "Accessories")
I emailed them last night and found the following response this a.m.  Couldn't ask for more.  Hope some find this info helpful.

I am really really sorry for the experience. We will ship a replacement
case soon and there is no need to ship the defective case back ( it
could be missing the magnetic shield in the back cover) . You may
disable the auto on/off function on your current CASE by taking the
magnet out of  the case. It is embedded inside of the front
cover under the hand strap. You may need a sharp knife to accomplish
the task and then seal the opening with some
tape.  This way you can use the case as a layover case before the new
one arrives.
And again,  we apologize for all the inconvenience.

New Member Introductions / Another "Old" Newbie
« on: December 11, 2012, 03:20:31 PM »
Old enough (64) to feel "oh so often" lost in this high tech age.  Ultimate "Newbie" in that my "7" hasn't arrived yet, but it has been ordered.
The extent of my current techie toys is an MP3 player, my faithful old Mac Book, and a Verizon G'z One phone.
In short, I'll be doing a lot of reading of old posts and will most certainly be coming back to the well frequently with questions.
Looking forward to it.
And while I have your attention, Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Eid, etc. etc.
to you all!
Rob  (a.k.a. Rabbit, for reasons I don't recall.) ;D

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