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Topics - birdastrompgman

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Nexus 7 Root, Hacks, Mods And Development / Paranoid Android 2.20. lockup
« on: October 18, 2012, 08:02:01 PM »
I tried to install PA2.20 today, but it wouldn't go past the PA logo.  I. cleared the cache & the dalvik cache, & installed the gapps- still couldn't get past the PA logo.

Any tips or suggestions?

Nexus 7 Accessories / DIY USB cable fix for iPhone 2A chargers
« on: September 05, 2012, 08:21:25 PM »
DISCLAIMER: Improper use may damage charger source.  I am not responsible for damage this mod may cause.  Do this at your own risk.

We have half a dozen other threads in this forum about chargers for our N7s.  The consensus is our N7s can benefit from 2A of current input into their mini-USB charging ports.  In fact, they'll discharge even when plugged in with most chargers.  The reason is the USB standard is only 0.5A, 5V DC, intended to protect devices like your computer from being damaged by supplying more current to connected USB devices.  Keep that in mind if you do this cable mod.  Mark your modified cable "for charging only," and use it carefully and wisely.

The problem with most 2A and 2.1A chargers is they only supply 2A to Apple devices like iPhones, using resistors and protective circuitry to know when an iDevice is connected.  Other devices, like our N7s, only get 0.5A current out of the same charger.

One way to fool those 2A chargers into supplying adequate current to today's power-thirsty devices is to short the data wires in the USB cable.  Here's how I made my cable, and the results.

I started with a USB extension cable (cablestripped photo), and clipped the green and white data wires (cableclipped photo). 

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Nexus 7 (Software) Bug List
« on: August 19, 2012, 06:36:38 AM »
I'm discovering a lot of bugs in Jelly Bean/Android/the N7. I think there are enough to justify starting a bug list.

First was the Bootloader Recovery bug. All the other Bootloader options work, but Recover reboots you. The fix is to use Quick Boot or something similar.

There is another bug that forces me to copy files and delete them (using both root explorer and ES File Explorer), rather than simply move them.

Now I've learned that the CWM backup directories cannot be deleted. I copied them to my USB flash drive, but couldn't delete them with root explorer and ES File Explorer. I deleted one from my cabled laptop using Windows Explorer, but the other 2 remained on the N7 despite disappearing from the WE file list. Thanks to Jay J for giving me the fix, a zip file to flash.

I'll add Screen Lift, too. There's no fix but to return your N7 under warranty.

So, what can you add to the list? It would help if you can include fixes to the bugs, when known. Thanks.

Nexus 7 Help / How to delete 1GB CWM backup files?
« on: August 18, 2012, 05:17:29 PM »
I presume they're system files, since Windows 7's limited viewing abilities don't show the files or folders as hidden or read-only.  I have copied 3GB of these folders (my 3 Nandroid backups, averaging 1GB apiece) to my USB drive and Windows laptop, and want to free up the 3GB they're taking on my N7.  How do I change the directory/file attributes to delete the files?

Nexus 7 General Discussion / List of Nexus 7 features
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:47:14 AM »
I pulled these using adb's list features command.  Adb is in the Android Software Developer's Kit.  I wish tablet and phone reviewers would query the devices they review.  My astronomy programs need gps, compass, and accelerometer, and damn few spec sheets and reviews mention which devices have those features.






























The "insufficient storage available" message strikes us all, and there are many theories. Certain apps seem to be offenders, as they won't install despite GBs of available space, when larger size apps do install.  Clearing caches, uninstalling updates, closing apps, and deleting files don't help consistently.

My theory is that it may be related to the Android SDK version used to develop the app, since installation depends on the response to a recommendAppInstallLocation query.

I was trying a similar query with the following commands:
adb shell pm getInstallLocation
adb shell pm setInstallLocation 2

They gave me syntax errors, and suggested the correct commands, which were:
adb shell pm get-Install-Location
adb shell pm set-Install-Location 2

So, I suspect the apps that won't install are written in obsolete script, and would like to see if those of you with cellphones and tablets running other Android OS versions will please attempt to install the app Appinstaller (you can immediately uninstall it after successful installation).  If my theory is correct, installation should fail on your N7 running Jelly Bean, no matter how much free memory you have available.  It should install with older Android OSes.  At some point (ICS?), users should encounter the insufficient storage error.

Let us know what you find out


Rooted 8GB N7.  I ran Root # All Data2SD app.  I hoped it would see my USB flash drive storage and make it available, so I told it to make 15000MB available.  It went merrily along to 4223MB, ran out of space, and aborted. 

My N7 looks outwardly ok, but I can't download apps.  I think the app created a partition, but failed to successfully mount it.

I get 3 menu options.  Create Storage says storage file sdcard/rappsd/storage already exists.  Mount and unmount leave me with a screen saying
File: /storage/sdcard0/rallsd/storage
Size: 8.0 KB of 4223 MB
Storage is not mounted. 

If I hook the N7 to my laptop, Windows Explorer sees 0 bytes free of internal storage.


I rooted my N7, bought a USB-OTG cable, flash drive, and downloaded Stickmount.  It recognizes the flash drive, and mounts it as sdcard/usbStorage/sda*/.  I can read the files already stored on any flash drive, but the free storage (64 GB, for example) on the flash drive isn't available to any of the 4 different Move2SD or file explorer apps I used.  ES File Explorer, for instance, sees the autorun and introductory files on a new flash drive, or the 61 files on the flash drive I carry in my pocket.  Its SD card analyzer, however, shows the same 5.92GB of total storage space whether I put a 16GB or 64GB  flash drive into the OTG cable.  None of the Move2SD apps are configurable to let me change their default SDcard destination.

Changing the apps backup directory to sdcard/usbStorage/ doesn't help.  Turning on the USB debugging developer option doesn't help.

I tried to find/install an app that will let me create a second partition on my flash drive.  Link2SD mentions three partitioning apps: minitool, paragon, and easeus.  I couldn't find minitool or easeus on Google Play.  Paragon failed to download, giving me an insufficient space error message.

So, can someone tell me an app that will allow me to create another FAT32 partition on my flash drive?  Is there another workaround to access my USB flash drive?

Nexus 7 Help / Facebook katana is a battery hog
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:54:01 AM »
A couple of mornings ago, I woke up to find I only had 6 percent battery life remaining (down from 66% when I went to bed). I went to settings to check battery usage.

Normally, screen usage counts for 98 percent of my battery use. That  morning, facebook was using 40 percent of my battery power. I force closed facebook, but it continued to use 40 percent of my battery power.

The Facebook power drain was so intense, my nexus 7 was losing its battery power even while plugged in.  Finally, I discovered an underlying sub program called katana which was using my resources. Katana polls location resources (GPS) constantly, and turned out to be the resource hog.

Once I closed facebook and katana,, and shut off location resources, facebook had still toggled something in the Android OS that was consuming 30 percent of my battery power. I uninstalled and reinstalled facebook and played around with different location resource settings until i got the android OS usage back to normal, and now the problem is solved,

Nexus 7 General Discussion / 8GB N7s are $297 on Amazon
« on: July 23, 2012, 11:15:51 AM »
Up from $279 yesterday!  I thought the 40% markup over list price was bad, but this is almost a 50% markup!

eBay is just as bad, with most "Buy it now" prices in the $280 range.

I should remove my apps, sell my 8 GB used on eBay for $250, and get a 16 GB for the price of shipping.  It's nice to know our pre-order waits were not in vain.

Nexus 7 Help / How to read QR codes?
« on: July 21, 2012, 10:31:22 AM »
I'm new to Androids, so tell me how it works with cell phones, and how do we do it with our N7s?  Do we have this capability yet?

I suspect it's much more complicated than pointing the built-in camera at the QR code.  So, do we have to take a picture, then enter the picture into an app that recognizes QR patterns?  Since Google didn't officially provide us with the ability to take photos with the N7, I'm guessing there's no built-in support to read QR.  True?

FWIW, I installed the Modaco camera launcher app that does let me capture stills & video.  Our N7s have a zoom feature using this app, although I don't know if it's a digital or optical zoom.  Probably the former.

I've already received a window mount car holder for offline road map gps navigation use, and an OBDII Bluetooth (ELM327) adapter.  I'll use this with the Torque app for hypermiling.  A hard case is in shipment from Amazon, and I've got a 12V to 5V USB car charger laying around somewhere. 

What have you bought in anticipation of the arrival of your N7?

Nexus 7 Accessories / Car charger?
« on: July 01, 2012, 10:43:54 AM »
Will any micro USB charger work?  I mixed up a Tom-Tom GPS charger with a Garmin GPS, or v.v., and kept putting the GPS in hibernation.  What will the Nexus 7 require to charge it while driving?  I gather it will ship with an AC charger and a cable.

New Member Introductions / Newbie to everything
« on: July 01, 2012, 10:30:49 AM »
Hi all,

I'm a retired tinkerer.  15 years ago, I was a national computer expert for a 10,000 person federal agency.

Now I'm just an apps user with some programming knowledge, totally new to Android, tablets, et al.  My hobbies are birding, astronomy, and hypermiling.  I've averaged 49.5 mpg for over 33,850 miles in a boxy non-hybrid Scion xB.

I hope to learn a lot, and contribute where I can.

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