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Italy Dedicated Nexus 7 Forum / Ci siamo? quanti siamo?
« on: January 15, 2013, 06:36:57 AM »
Ragazzi ho visto che avete letto i due post, ma quanti siamo?

Nexus 7 Accessories / the dock is here
« on: January 15, 2013, 03:01:12 AM »
here is the direct link to asus uk site :)


wasn't able to find any other country link for it.  thing is that uk site says it's out of stock,  but it kinda gives us a hint about what the dock is useful for.... i personally don't need it,  i was expecting a lil more from it

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

Italy Dedicated Nexus 7 Forum / gioca & gusta
« on: January 14, 2013, 03:32:00 AM »
applicazione di mcdonalds che ti regala un panino ogni 24h

gnam gnam

giocate, quando vi compare la schermata finale non mettete il panino dentro la busta, lo fate vedere al cassiere e lui vi dara' il panino(cliccando poi il panino sul display)


(io l'ho installato sul cell)


Se avete bisogno di codec che supportino codec audio dts (la maggior parte dei file .mkv usa dts audio codecs) questo e' il tutorial che fa per voi.

1)Estrai il contenuto di codecs]codecs all'interno di una cartella qualunque del vostro tablet(ricordatevi il percorso)

2) scollegate il tablet dal pc ed aprite mxplayer, andate a settings -> decoder -> custom codec

3)trovate la cartella ed una volta dentro di essa cliccate OK. una volta che mxplayer si e' riavviato tutto dovrebbe essere perfettamente funzionante.

(ricordatevi di selezionare s/w codecs una volta partito il film)

buona visione

NO ROOT is required for this!!!

dts audio codecs are used for quite a lot of .mkv files. so if you prefere to use mxplayer instead of bsplayer here's the tutorial for you.

1) Extract the contents of the codecs somewhere on your device (take note of where the folder you extracted is)

2) Once this is done, from MX Player, go to Settings -> Decoder -> Custom Codec

3) Locate the folder you extracted, select it and hit OK. Once MX Player restarts, it should work.

(remember to switch to s/w codecs when you turn the movie on)

got the codec from a "developers"  ;)  forum, so it's reliable :) mi tablet works perfectly with it :)

Nexus 7 Audio/Video / troubles with mp4 flixster downloads...
« on: January 11, 2013, 04:41:24 AM »
i've downloaded an episode of shameless on my device today(since tomorrow i need to watch something on my train ride to Rome) and when i checked if everything works my n7 didn't want to play it...i have mxplayer with the appropriate codecs but that apparently isn't enough. are there any programs i can use to watch those after i download them?

The Lounge: Off Topic Forum / Google Chrome Os
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:05:35 AM »
i have an asus eee pc 1005hab, it originally came out with wondows xp...now it runs windows7 and ubuntu. now i kinda wanna try to instal google chrome OS... it only runs on official devices, but there's always a way to go around that lol
i was wondering if some of you alredy did what i want to do, or if some of you have been thinking about doing it.
let's talk about it :D

New Member Introductions / Hello everybody :)
« on: January 09, 2013, 05:32:59 AM »
Hello hello :)
I bought my nexus 7 on dec the 30th and i wanna lean everything i can about it :)
I'm trying to keep it as original as possible(i know...it's gonna be hard!) but it'll probably end up like my galaxy XD super modded lol
what's left to say? oh...i'm italian  ;D

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