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I use Chrome most of the time on my desktop, and given I drink the Google koolaid I keep them all signed into Google services so I can share bookmarks and other content between each instance.  Well I just found a bridge that was introduced in ICS that's pretty neat - Chrome to Mobile.

Basically you add the Chrome to Mobile extension to Chrome on your Desktop, and then verify Chrome to Mobile is enabled on your Nexus 7 (Chrome > Settings > tap Email Address > Chrome to Mobile checked).  And when this is all done when viewing a website on the desktop you can click the phone icon in the Address Bar and the current website will load on your Nexus 7.

I don't always have both devices sitting next to me, but there are times when I could see this being beneficial if I'm say pulling up a recipe or some other instructions for whatever and want to forward it to my Nexus 7 to carry across the house. 

Also I tried to get screenshots of this, but whenever I brought-up the Chrome to Mobile bubble from Chrome it disappeared as soon as I pressed Printscreen... so here's the screenshot from Google:

Also I've tested it and it works rather well, though I think the plugin may still be considered Beta so your mileage may vary. 

I don't know if this is a bug or something unique to my setup, but just now I paired my N7 to my DroidX smartphone through Bluetooth, and now my Nexus 7 is tethered through the Droidx to the Internet.  Also I've made no mods to the phone or N7... both are completely stock and not rooted.

The bandwidth is slow for sure, it took about 45 seconds to download a 6 Meg app from Google Play, but it's working none the less.  Also a bonus for me is I'm still on an unlimited data plan and don't pay any extra for tethering!

Can anyone else try this?  My DroidX actually has some bad spots on the screen and I've been thinking of doing a warranty replacement, but unless someone else can verify this works from other Droid phones I can live with the bad spots if it means my N7 will be online from anywhere.

One of the things I hoped to do from my N7 was making and receiving calls using Google Voice , since I already have a phone number setup through Google that's tied to my DroidX.  Natively it can't be done since Google Voice wants to use POTS to connect, but I found Talkatone which does the trick.

Basically Talkatone is an VoIP app that somehow links to your Google Voice account and allows you to make calls. Unfortuantely on the N7 it doesn't tie into Google Now so you can't say "Call Mom" and have it dial out, but as long as its' running you can dial out or receive calls using your Google Voice phone number.  Also what's weird when I tested is when an incoming call comes in both my cell phone and N7 rang, and whichever one answered first got the call.

There are a few other apps in Google Play that do the same thing, but this has the best reviews and is the only one I tried.  Also it's free, but it does have banner ad's.  I'd gladly pay a few bucks to get rid of them, but thus far the free version is all they have.

So FYI if you want to have full phone capabilities using your N7.

I have the 16 Gig N7, but here's what Storage shows in the Settings menu:

Total Space: 13.24GB
Apps - 358MB
Pictures,Videos - 19.59MB
Audio - 200KB
Downloads - 92KB
Available: 12.64GB

Given it's showing I only have 13.24 Gigs to work with on a 16 gig device is that other 2.8 Gigs used for RAM or for GPU storage?  I'd be interested to find a tech document showing how the memory is utilized, but thus far I can't find any such document. 

So with all this I'm definitely glad I went with the 16 Gig else I'd be closer to 4 Gigs of free space which just doesn't seem like much.

What does everyone else's show?

When I first connected my Nexus 7 to my laptop running Xubuntu 12.04 I was shocked that it didn't appear as a USB device as my Kindle Fire and DroidX do, but after some research i saw they changed how ICS and JB use USB connectivity.  Now it uses MTP or PTP where PTP is more for pics and MTP is for accessing the file system.  Problem though is Linux doesn't natively support MTP.

So here's how to set it up:

Set up a UDEV rule via the terminal by opening the rules file

Code: [Select]
sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
And entering the following line at the end of the file (be sure to use your user name at the end!):

Code: [Select]
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="6860", MODE="0600", OWNER="<your-username>"
Now install the tools and set a mount point by entering the following commands one line at a time

Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get install mtpfs
sudo mkdir /media/GNexus
sudo chmod 775 /media/GNexus

Plug your Galaxy Nexus in, and enter the next line in the same terminal window:

Code: [Select]
sudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/GNexus
Drag and drop through Nautilus, and when you're done and need to unmount, enter the following:

Code: [Select]
sudo umount mtpfs

As for OSX it's also not supported natively, but Google has this app to add support - http://www.android.com/filetransfer/

When I ordered my N7 I think it asked if I wanted the device setup on my account, which I think I clicked Yes... but just curious what exactly is setup or pre-loaded account wise when you boot it up for the first time.

For anyone who has their N7 what did you find unexpected, good or bad...  I've read LOTS of articles highlighting the major features, but is there anything you noticed that works better than you expected?  What about geewiz features you've found that you think aren't getting enough attention?  Or on the flip slide is there anything you expected to be amazing that ended up being bunk?

Just curious --


When the Kindle Fire goes into standby mode it shuts completely off using zero power, which is nice because even if left off for weeks the charge remains, but this means I can't use it as an alarm clock or get email or other notifications when it's in standby.  Does anyone know if the N7 will do the same?

For the N7 I'd prefer that it didn't shut completely off because if I can find a dock that'll let me put it on the nightstand as an alarm clock showing weather and possibly some news, stocks, etc, that'd be amazing.  And if such an app doesn't exist it might be my first thing to write, but only if the N7 will stay aware when it's in standby mode, unlike the Fire.


On Thursday my son goes in for eye surgery to hopefully correct his strabismus, so I'm off Thursday and Friday to watch after him and plan on spending those two days getting to really know the N7.  If anyone will be around on Friday I'd love to do a Google Hangout and see how well it works, but I'll keep you guys posted on a time since I'll have to schedule it around my son's nap.


Nexus 7 Help / Calibre and Nexus 7
« on: July 16, 2012, 07:44:01 AM »
Another thread mentioned not being able to get Calibre working, but here's a link from the Calibre site with info that might help:

How do I use calibre with my Android phone/tablet?
There are two ways that you can connect your Android device to calibre. Using a USB cable– or wirelessly, over the air. The USB cable method only works if your Android device can act as a USB disk, that means in windows it must have a drive letter, like K:. Some devices may have a setting to put them in “disk mode” or “USB Transfer mode” that is needed before they act as USB disks.

I'll test this out when the N7 arrives, but I'd appreciate any feedback from anyone who already has their N7 and uses Calibre.  Also don't forget to post what version of Calibre you're using and on what OS. 

Thanks --


I know radiocycle is one, but anyone else?  One big plus for me to get the Nexus 7 is having a microphone for Echolink. For now I use my DroidX for echolink when traveling, which is nice since I can use it without wifi, but still having it on the N7 will be a huge bonus.

Also any other ham radio related apps that are a must to install?

CBers said he ordered his N7 from eBuyer.com and got it the next day, lucky chap, but looking at the eBuyer.com website it shows the N7 (16 Gig version) is selling for £199.00 which according to Google equals $308.92 USD.  Any reason why the Nexus 7 is priced so much higher there? 

Also I noticed they offer a 2 and 3 year warranty which I wish Google would've offered as an add-on as well.

Just an observation...

Nexus 7 Ordering and Shipping / Sam's Club is also selling it
« on: July 12, 2012, 01:56:54 PM »

I just got an email from Sam's Club and found this on their website.  They say it'll ship between 17th and 20th which isn't too different from what we've been seeing.  I agree with everyone else, hopefully they'll ship to those who preordered on Google Play first.  But I just checked, and no CC debit yet :-/

NICE! Droid Life is reporting that XDA has ported Jellybean 4.1.1 to the Kindle Fire.  According to the post on XDA it's still very beta with lots of things still in works, but if they can get Jellybean 4.1.1 to work reliably on the Kindle Fire then WOW is all I can say. 

I'm definitely keeping my eye on this...

Update: Techcrunch is now reporting this as well with a video.

Update 2: And Liliputing has posted a how-to to get your Kindle Fire upgraded to Jellybean.

Now that a few groups have published hardware teardowns of the N7 and even rooted the OS has anyone ran across posts where someone has modified the hardware itself to add functionality?  Possibly adding HDMI or an SD port?

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