June 17, 2024, 11:37:53 AM


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Messages - pymason

Pages: [1]
Apologies all if this is not a new topic, but I couldn't find it elsewhere. Please redirect me if it is. Daughter just deleted a folder with 2 years of pics and video on her Nexus 7 2013 2nd gen. As it was done outside of the photo app it can't retreive the data from within the app, so I'm looking for a way of retreiving the folder itself. I seem to have found that all the apps that say they can do this need a rooted device to work, so, firstly, does anyone know of a way to root a 2nd gen Nexus 7 2013, now on Android 6.0.1 using Mac OS X? Obviously a free version would be appreciated if at all possible...

Many, many thanks if any of you can help. :-)

Hi. My daughter's Nexus 7 running Android 6.1 (I think), is intermittantly working and then not working on it's ethernet internet connection. This started after a system update and seemed to correct itself a few days later, but then re-occurred, and now appears to have stuck not working.
Anyone out there had anything similar happen? Is it a setting that gets reset on update?
I would be grateful for any help on this - I've exhausted my ideas on this one...
Many thanks...

Hi Matt. Just thought I'd drop a line and let you know I've found the solution to the lack of connectivity using the Ethernet cable - it WAS the adaptor! So I had one broken adaptor, a new replacement which came non-functional (cheap chinese make!), and then months with no connection. The adaptor that worked - and was guaranteed to by the maker - was the BobJGear model. Expensive, but great that it's 1) guaranteed, and 2) that it actually works.
So thank you for your input and help in all this. Hopefully it might help other folks look at their Ethernet to Nexus adaptor and save them a shed load of time working it out!
All the best,
Paul :-)

Hi Matt. I've been looking around for Micro USB to Ethernet Adaptors. I'm finding that all of them seem to have a problem on the Nexus 7 running Marshmallow, including the one you suggested in your link above. This appears to have started around Android 5/5.1. This is starting to look more like a Nexus/Android issue at this point. I read that Google sometimes denies access to certain code blocks, one of them being the USB/Ethernet scanning block.

I'll try the 6.1.1 update route next, to see if they've put it right there, and let you know what I've found...


Hi Matt. Well, it looks like more info is finally coming to light. I tried your idea of connecting the Nexus to my computer (mac) via the USB, and although it needs Android File Transfer on the mac to recognize the Nexus, it works flawlessly. Uses MTP mode on the Nexus.  All the Nexus Data is visible on the Mac and even gets recognized by iphoto using PTP mode on the Nexus. Also, I noticed that the Nexus recognises the connection and shows what looks like an Android icon in the top left menu bar when connected. This would lead me to think that the USB connection in the Nexus isn't the problem, although as I said, I'm not an expert in these things.

I also tried your UI System Tuner tweak. It did exactly as you said, but when I got to notifications, they were all already on, including Ethernet, so other than having a little more flexibility with the UI, I don't think that has got us much further. Interesting though.

That leaves Nexus settings, or a faulty adaptor. The initial reason I didn't go for a faulty adaptor as the culprit was because when one adaptor stopped working (slighty loosened mini USB connector), I bought another very similar one but then couldn't get that one to work either. I suppose it is possible that the first one broke and the second one arrived already faulty. Not my first guess, but perhaps in the light of the above info, it might be what happened. Not surprising in a way.

The only other option I can think of is settings on the Nexus. I am aware of USB Debugging needing to be on, have heard various info about whether to turn on Airplane mode or not (tried both), and now in 6.1 there's the USB mode choices - Charging, MTP, PTP, RNDIS, Audio Source, MIDI, of which I have tried all but the last two, without success.

What are your thoughts to do next, given the new info above?
Again, I very much appreciate al your help with this.
Paul :-)

Hi Matt, and thanks for this. It appears from the link that a rooted Nexus 7 can be adjusted to scan for a USB connection. Do you think I should try to root the tablet? If so, can Marshmallow be rooted yet? It's on 6.1 at the mo' and wants to update to 6.1.1. Better to update or keep as is?

Regarding your idea, I tried turning off wifi and rebooting with the Ethernet attached. No change unfortunately.

Hi Matt. Thanks again for your reply. Unless there's an upgrade in tech in the item in the link you provided, I already have been using a USB 2.0 to fast Ethernet Adaptor, albeit a slightly cheaper one. In the past this has either worked as soon as you plug it in, or after some adjustment of Airplane Mode, USB Debugging Mode, and on 6.1, the possibility of choosing which kind of use the USB port will have (last two live in Developer options, which you have to have activated).

Anyone know a way to check /analyse if it's all working correctly?
Anyone know the correct settings to use for 6.1 to access wired Ethernet internet via the USB port?
Many thanks for any help.
Best wishes,

Paul M :-)

Hi Matt. Thanks for answering, but I'm afraid the problem isn't a lack of wifi. It's that we don't want to use it in our situation! This is why I'm looking for a wired solution. Does anyone out there have any knowledge on how to achieve a wired internet connection on the Nexus 7 using Marshmallow? Answers gratefully received! Thanks. Paul :-)

Dear Nexus Community, I am here because I have run out of ideas for connecting my daughter's Nexus 7 (2nd Gen, running Android 6.1 Marshmallow, not jail broken) to the internet.
For various reasons we need a wired rather than wifi connection. Previously we have managed to get it working using an Ethernet cable from the Router, joined to a Female Ethernet to Micro USB adaptor, straight into the Nexus 7 (We were using Android 5.1 at this time, but it also ceased to work whilst using 5.1).

Seemed to work well for a while but the adaptors don't last long in a young person's (ok, my daughters), hands. I bought a new adaptor recently, and since then, haven't been able to access internet on the Nexus. Did the latest adaptor arrive damaged? I don't know, but it shows it's red light upon being connected, and I am under the understanding that this means the adaptor is showing some sort of network link. I have been into the Nexus and checked no obvious lack of connection/damage/wear with the microUSB housing. All is solid there.

I wonder if some kind genius might walk me through the set up for the Nexus to access a wired internet connection, just incase I have missed something obvious, and/or point me in the direction of any tools to analyse where the problem might be located.

Many thanks to anyone who can help on this one! I have a passing knowledge of Android, but probably miss as much as I have found.
Regards,  pymason :-)

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