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Messages - hw61

Pages: [1] 2
Nexus 7 Help / restore apps nexus 7 wi-fi 32gb
« on: June 06, 2013, 09:45:13 AM »
i updated my rom ( pa android ) Ga apps but the tablet didnt restore my apps  i had to manually do it  . i am backing  up to my google account  and  to titanium . also made a backup before i flashed rom . i have never had a problem before  . so i there something i am doing wrong ? i also had to restore my backup because tablet had a message come on that said tablet is very unstable delete this partition  .  not sure witch one

Nexus 7 Help / d ifferent launcher
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:51:27 PM »
Can I use a different launcher something like nova or atom launcher when I have p.a android 3+ on my nexus 7

Nexus 7 Root, Hacks, Mods And Development / Re: install new rom
« on: April 19, 2013, 07:23:30 PM »
you dont really answer my question

paradroid android is the best

Nexus 7 Root, Hacks, Mods And Development / install new rom
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:22:42 AM »
i have pa android 3.10 on my tablet   now i got a message that there is a update to 3.16  now do i have to go thru all the steps i did when i installed the 3.10 paradroid android rom  to install the update   thanks

Nexus 7 Root, Hacks, Mods And Development / screwed up
« on: March 14, 2013, 10:13:50 AM »
okay i was using goomanger to flash a rom to my nexus 7 wi-fi and everything went good till i pressed flash and after that a bunch of option came on and the idiot i was i pressed boot loader and recovery it rebooted  when it finished all my downloaded apps rooted and unrooted apps were missing it went back to stock on home screen  tablet works fine its still rooted according to root checker . is there anything that i can do to restore everything ? :-[

Nexus 7 General Discussion / does update unroot
« on: February 24, 2013, 11:00:42 AM »
sorry if this has already been posted .  but will my device be unrooted when i update?  and if so how can i prevent it from happening ?

hey guys out there if u think i dont   know what i am doing ur wrong . the toolkit is pretty easy to follow  i was just not aware that i need the newer version 1.6.3 tool kit  for the 4.2.2 built .

Canada Dedicated Nexus 7 Forum / Re: rooting
« on: February 19, 2013, 09:12:08 PM »
thanks for the reply. i cannot open the page you mentioned as here

Canada Dedicated Nexus 7 Forum / rooting
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:56:33 PM »
i am tryin to root i am using the nexus root toolkit but i cant install drivers . i have uninstalled according to the tool kit directions . so why is it that if i plug my nexus 7 into my computer in device manager at the very top it say Android device/ andoid composite ADB Interface . isnt that supposed to be deleted and show up when i have a driver installed . and under portable devices is my nexus 7 , witch is correct. so can that be why i cannot install the drivers to root ?    i had all the steps done that the rookit said i should but i forgot to check mark the recovery at the and .  what can i do now

Nexus 7 General Discussion / root or not root
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:45:28 PM »
i am trying to decide if i should root my tablet  . why do guys root ?   i am new at this any help would be appreciated .   would it increase processor or graphics or touch proformance ?  some of the reading i done about it is out of my leaque 

i wonder if it is rooted the rite way  it shows up in device manager with a yellow triangle .   would this be a issue i rooted it with win 7 and everything was ok in device manager but i have win 8 installed now and there is a problem now with that yellow thing beside nexus  so i dunno if thats a problem  . i have tried ur suggestions but nothing works

Nexus 7 Connect (MicroUSB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, Pogo Pin) / usb wont work
« on: December 02, 2012, 04:34:52 PM »
i rooted my nexus 7  installed all necessary software like stickmount ,file explorer , but i cant it in the file explorer . in the top left corner is a folder called sdcard  but i can't find the usb . in stickmount i have checked the following status notification and toast notification    . am i missing a setting  . i have tried fiddling around with connection but no different    . a
wat am i missing?

Nexus 7 General Discussion / flash player
« on: November 13, 2012, 06:10:51 PM »
can i install flash player on my nexus 7 without rooting it   

i am trying to root my nexus7  but i can't git it to show up in my computer or in device manager   . what could be the problem    . it show up earlier  but now nothing  :(

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