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Messages - Gasman

Pages: [1]
Nexus 7 Apps / Re: Why no Itunes app on play yet?
« on: December 04, 2012, 05:28:29 PM »
I then spent about 4 nights in a row burning all my Itunes music to CD's, and reimporting it. That circumvents the DRM. Have you tried that for your audiobooks?

Yes tried that and kept getting messages about protected files, even tried some long drawn out tutorials off youtube, end result was the same, seems to me that Apple are missing a trick here because when I used Itunes it worked fine and I would have been happy to carry on using it with my Nexus  :'(

Nexus 7 Apps / Re: Re: Why no Itunes app on play yet?
« on: December 03, 2012, 11:46:58 AM »

Don't you buy apps?

Haven`t had the Nexus long and still working out the available apps I want yet. I assume once I do that then I`ll be able to use the Cloud?

Nexus 7 Apps / Re: Why no Itunes app on play yet?
« on: December 02, 2012, 01:04:38 PM »
Thanks for that I had no idea Google could do that, shame it requires credit card details though!

Nexus 7 Apps / Why no Itunes app on play yet?
« on: December 02, 2012, 10:21:46 AM »
Just trying to get me head around why no app for Itunes yet?. I assume its Apple threatening some legal thing on people writing apps so they can listen to legally bought Itunes purchases on their non Apple players but how does that work with Windows tablets?.
I assume windows tablets such as the Surface (if they can be described as such?) can run Itunes and therefore listen to songs bought from Itunes and played on a non Apple player so why not players such as Androids, Nexus etc??. How come Apple are ok with Windows players but not others? I`ve had no luck removing the DRM from my audiobooks bought from Itunes so I can play them on my Nexus so on a bit of a downer with Apple at the moment!

Thanks a lot guys very helpful and informative!. So "to root or not to root? that is the question". I`ll wait until I need it then check it out!.

Thanks for the speedy reply Bjs ;-). Do you know if rooting the N7 will invalidate any warranty?

Hi peeps
Waiting patiently for my N7 to arrive but reading the forum it appears that some uses of the Nexus ie flash storage cards and such like require the Nexus to be rooted or unlocked which I assume is something akin to the Admin/user settings in Windows?. I`m just wondering why rooting the N7 seems to carry such a risk and involves much holding of breath,crossing fingers etc when the option in Windows is if you run stuff as Admin then you risk damaging your operating system and hence no pc so its your choice to do so but it seems rooting an N7 device to enable `Admin` features carry`s the same if not greater risk so again user choice so why do Nexus make it so hard to do?. Do the Nexus 7 makers or Google stand to loose something if we root our devices or have I got it completely wrong? Maybe all will become clearer when I get my N7?

Nexus 7 Audio/Video / Audiobooks (Itunes ERM protected) on N7?
« on: November 09, 2012, 06:27:05 PM »
Just coming over to the Nexus 7 from Ipod touch and wondering if I can transfer a few audiobooks bought through Itunes (Audible) onto the Nexus please?.

New Member Introductions / Hi from UK!
« on: November 09, 2012, 01:43:49 PM »
Hi guys
New to the forum. Looking forward to receiving my 32gb Nexus 7 I ordered today. Many questions to ask, hope thats ok  ;)

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