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Messages - pgarne01

Pages: [1]
Screen protector.  I had a "pouch" from a previous tablet that is still getting me by.  Hadn't decided if I was going to keep the 7 or opt for 7.2 so I didn't want to commit to a custom case that didn't have a cutout for a rear camera, or a full size SD card, or HDMI output, or DVI, or a SCSI interface, or a PS2 plug, or .. .. ..

Nexus 7 Audio/Video / Re: Streaming my n7 onto my tv
« on: June 26, 2013, 09:37:02 AM »

Glad to hear you like Plex.  I love it on my PC/Roku and was looking at the android app to watch my Plex library but hadn't investigated it as a server.



Nexus 7 Help / Re: Battery calibration/conditioning
« on: June 26, 2013, 09:16:19 AM »
Related (I hope) question.  What about the "lipstick" battery packs?  Actually been thinking more about one to keep in my car for my phone emergencies.  Are they "seen" as a (USB/AC) charger by the device or somehow "bypass" battery presence detection.

Also, I listen to a lot of music and watch a lot of movies at my desk and  I'm curious to know a little more about not using my tablet while charging.    Makes sense for an RC heli but why not a Nexus?

Thanks 1*10^6


Nexus 7 Help / "Invisible" .mp4's ?
« on: June 26, 2013, 08:11:20 AM »
I don't think this is a Nexus problem but there are so many variables it's hard to tell what might be causing or contributing to the situation.

I copied some .mp4 movies to my 32GB Nexus 7 to watch while away from WiFi.  Plugged up a USB cable to my Win8 desktop, connected, "drag & drop", Done!  No problem.

Replenished my library a few days later only this time I used "Save As" on my WD My Book Live 3TB and WD2Go Android app, no USB cable.  Another couple of TV episodes and off to work.

Brought the tablet to my (Win7) office and plugged it up to give a "trickle" charge while I watched and happened to glance at the "Movies" folder when Explorer connected and noticed that the second batch of movies wasn't there!  The older ("USB fired") files were there, though.  Figured something had gone wrong, Oh, Well!  I'm watching reruns!

Fired up MX player and the movies were there, even marked "New" by MX.  Suspected that maybe I'd saved them in a different directory so I opened EZ File Manager and found them right in the "Movies" folder where they belonged.

No matter what, Win7 won't "see" these files.  Plugged the tablet into my Win8 when I got home and "Explored" over to the Movies folder and there they were.

What gives?



New Member Introductions / New To Nexus. Not to Android.
« on: June 17, 2013, 02:45:34 PM »
Pete (pgarne01)
Been using Motorola Atrix (original) since soon after intro.
Really like(d) the Android OS.
Been through a couple of "other" android tablets and finally started watching the Nexus 7 about the time the 7.2 rumors started heating up.
Finally took the plunge when I heard that a change in mfg was in the offing.  Quanta hasn't done anything (yet) to make the Nexus top rated so I went for 7/32g at a little below market before they got snatched up.

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