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Messages - dvdcatalyst

Pages: [1]
Nexus 7 Audio/Video / Re: dvd ripper
« on: December 05, 2012, 05:11:16 PM »
100 a month? Sounds like you need a Sling box!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Right now, I'm paying for cable, tivo and dish. My wife has health issues, so she spends most of the time watching TV. Both cable and sat suck in my area, so the setup I have is double. Her shows are recorded on both sides, so if one screws up, she can watch it on the other.

My internet, DSL from the phone company, hasn't gone out for more than 5 minutes total in the 10 years I have been with them, and while they do offer TV, they don't have a decent DVR solution (no Tivo integration either) so I'm stuck with what I have now.

If I could get something like HBO Go/Netflix for current TV shows, which would basically cover a bit more than the basic cable channels, I'd be golden. I can drop 3 services in favor of 1. Hell, even 150 would be better than what I have now.

But commercials need to go.

For the shows that are free on the web, there are forced commercials of like 5 minutes, so as a paying subscriber, no commercials or a hefty discount.

Nexus 7 Audio/Video / Re: dvd ripper
« on: December 05, 2012, 11:21:40 AM »
I would have to agree that DRM tactics are flawed. The media industry spends millions on DRM only to inconvenience and restrict valid media consumers with over priced content. Perhaps the media industry will discover eventually, that if consumers had unrestricted access to content at a reasonable price, you could virtually eliminate piracy. Image the revenue that could be generated if even 25% of the media consumers signed up for a $5 per month plan for all of the audio content you wanted without any restrictions, so that you could use a program that like dvd catalyst to migrate it to the device of your choice. I challenge you to ask yourself would you buy into that plan.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

I would.

Microsoft made a decent attempt with it's Zune Pass, $15/mo, unlimited music. Turn that into something like Google Music so it would work on the majority of devices, and I would be very pleased.
A pay-service like HBO with it's HBO Go app is on the right way as well. If they would make something like that for all TV shows, without advertising, and of course access at the same time as the show airs, I'd gladly pay $100/mo.

Nexus 7 Audio/Video / Re: Re: dvd ripper
« on: December 04, 2012, 04:48:16 PM »

dvdcatalyst, thanks for the explanation of the reference to "Digital Copy" on your website. I had in error assumed that was a reference to DRM. I have used Dvd Catalyst to convert mkv's for play on my Nexus 7 as mp4's and was quite pleased with the simple interface and the ease of conversion.

I agree with JayJ that we all have our personal preferences when it comes to software, but the $10 price tag is difficult to pass up.

Also, dvdcatalyst, thanks for taking the time to visit our forum and offer your thoughts.

You are welcome.

When it comes to those "Digital Copy" files, I'm very opinionated. If you dig a bit through my website, or just about every other newsletter of mine, you will find a plethora of my rants about those darn things.

I had to put the DRM disclaimer on my website because a lot of people were asking (and complaining in various degrees of profanity), about complications when they try to convert them. Many people realize that when they purchase an app for an iPad that it doesn't work on an Android tablet, but they don't expect it to be that way with movies. They are used to picking up a DVD, and play it in whatever DVD player they can fit it into, and sort of expect it to be that way with these Digital Copies as well.

My biggest issue with these DRM tactics is that it doesn't even remotely deal with the issue that it exists for. It exists to prevent people from copying/sharing the content, but the people who do share never deal with those complications, so only the people who pay for the content are the ones who have to deal with the restrictions. And this doesn't just extend to these videos, but also games (Ubisoft permanent online connection), apps (Game Maker Pro ruined paying customer's images due to a faulty piracy check),  and even Bluray (new movie, new bluray player update needed, no longer supported, buy a new bluray player) etc.

Nexus 7 Audio/Video / Re: dvd ripper
« on: December 04, 2012, 09:57:45 AM »
Thanks for joining our forum Dcat!   Great philosophy! I will b trying your work soon! Please hang with us when you can!  Thanks Sarge for the effort as well. Amazing.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Thanks for the welcome bjs :)

Does catalyst rip blue ray or no? Just wondering cuz I'm buying the dark knight box set in blue ray.

DVDs work without additional software, but for Bluray, you will need to use something like AnyDVD HD ($$$), DVDfab Passkey ($$) or MakeMKV (free while in beta).

Nexus 7 Audio/Video / Re: How to play WMV DRM movies
« on: December 03, 2012, 10:20:01 PM »
I have tried to play the movies after converting them to mp4 but they are not viewable and there is no sound.  I think my only option is going to be to buy some software that removes DRM and converts to mp4 because I cannot find any free software that does this.  I am going to call Disney and see what they say about getting their movies on the Nexus 7.

Those movies are DRM-protected, and only with apps similar as to ones that you mentioned can you "convert" them. They basically use your computer to play the file, and record it at the same time, which is why it takes so long.

Converting the DVD they came with is easier and faster.

Nexus 7 Audio/Video / Re: Re: dvd ripper
« on: December 03, 2012, 10:18:06 PM »
if dvd catalyst is 10$ and best on market, seems like it would be better than winx (its 50$)

Just because something is more expensive doesn't make it better.

I don't advertise much, so I don't need to charge an arm and a leg

The DVD Catalyst website states that the program will not copy DVD's with DRM, but I constantly see references to its ability to do so. Therefore, out of curiosity and for clarity, can anyone verify that it has the standalone ability to copy DRM disks or does it require the DRM to be removed before copying?

The DRM-references on my website are in regards of "Digital Copy" videos, the ones you get for free with DVDs. Similar as Amazon Digital download and iTunes purchased movies and tv shows.

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