I use Chrome most of the time on my desktop, and given I drink the Google koolaid I keep them all signed into Google services so I can share bookmarks and other content between each instance. Well I just found a bridge that was introduced in ICS that's pretty neat - Chrome to Mobile.
Basically you add the
Chrome to Mobile extension to Chrome on your Desktop, and then verify
Chrome to Mobile is enabled on your Nexus 7 (Chrome > Settings > tap Email Address > Chrome to Mobile checked). And when this is all done when viewing a website on the desktop you can click the phone icon in the Address Bar and the current website will load on your Nexus 7.
I don't always have both devices sitting next to me, but there are times when I could see this being beneficial if I'm say pulling up a recipe or some other instructions for whatever and want to forward it to my Nexus 7 to carry across the house.
Also I tried to get screenshots of this, but whenever I brought-up the Chrome to Mobile bubble from Chrome it disappeared as soon as I pressed Printscreen... so here's the screenshot from Google:
Also I've tested it and it works rather well, though I think the plugin may still be considered Beta so your mileage may vary.