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A CAPTCHA ( /ˈkæp.tʃə/) is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person. The process usually involves a computer asking a user to complete a simple test which the computer is able to grade. These tests are designed to be easy for a computer to generate, but difficult for a computer to solve, so that if a correct solution is received, it can be presumed to have been entered by a human. A common type of CAPTCHA requires the user to type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on the screen, and such tests are commonly used to prevent unwanted internet bots from accessing websites.An inherent problem in letter-based CAPTCHA challenges is that they must necessarily be case-sensitive to be effective. Yet, because the upper- and lower-case versions of these letters—CcOoPpSsUuVvWwXxZz—are essentially identical except for size, correctly entering a code containing one or more of these letters is guesswork. When one or more of these letters is present in a CAPTCHA, a legitimate user must often make several frustrating attempts to guess the case correctly, or wait to randomly for display of a CAPTCHA that does not contain any of those letters.
Thanks JayJ but understanding Captcha phrase does not help if it is almost impossible to read the letters. I only posted my problem in hoping the web master would look at it & make it a little more easier for new people. And please don't look at me as a newbe because I have registered in many forums. I know that one of the times trying to registered in this forum it asked my what the color is & that stopped me dead in my tracks because I am colorblind so why should that keep me out. What really irked me was every time & believe when I say many I had to retype my password twice. I am benifiting now & I am sure in the future from being a member. jimjoh