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Just Found 'TV Portal'

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Maybe I'm atypical.

 I recorded late night radio shows in the 60s on reel to reel and found new artists and music which led me to buying a lot of vinyl.

I recorded onto cassettes in the 70s and traded with friends which led me to buying a ton of CDs.

I've swapped MP3s and discovered new music to enjoy and purchase.

I've watched lofi vids and bought the movies.

I've gotten apps from black market to try on my tablet and purchased those I had a use for.

A canny marketer would know that a certain level of " piracy " is beneficial to market penetration.
Some of this content may actually be sanctioned. I cannot tell.

The losses reported due to piracy are overblown. If a kid  amasses a huge store of MP3s in a game of acquisition it has to be balanced against what his allowance would have actually purchased if piracy was not an option. And the trading of this content might have increased the fan base of many artists leading to future revenue.

So a program that points to content may actually serve a greater purpose by identifying illegal sites and allowing legal file share.

If content servers would realize that charging what the market will bear is not the same as maximizing return the prices for online music, books, and vids would drop dramatically and result in greater profit margin with less piracy. But protecting the established printing, distributing and retail merchants seems to be the status quo.

Poorly, but I have written.

I don't think you are atypical. I  do feel a  need to respect the community here so I will try to watch what I say.
I think You should be hired as a consultant for the law team of one of of these high profile piracy defense cases that are in the news lately. I agree that a lot of the media that gets traded would not be heard or like you said advertised without peer to peer. Bottom line as ridiculous as it seems, it is a crime that can be taken very seriously if the gun somehow gets aimed at you.
On another note same vein. I work in a restaurant. We get calls every so often from "telemarketers" asking what kind of music do you listen to in your dining room? If you answer with any type aside from Muzak you get blackmailed or  shaken down for $. Apparently, It is illegal to play cds or music that you own( have really bought) in a business without paying another premium to the record companies and I guess partly the artists. They threaten to report you and I have seen letters where there are supposed fines involved.
With my 100 plus gigs of music I will probably be hanged in the streets of Tehran.. I mean DC

I am curious to the extent of the sharing involved with this app.. Can someone post a mirror or dropbox link of the apk? 

This is the box of the apps developer. I hope I am not breaking any rules.

Thanks! I'm going to try it out, look into it, and form my opinion. I'll post my thoughts later...


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