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I've been ignoring the  android smart watches as I don't have a cell phone, or wear watches. Now that apple has jumped on the bandwagon in typical fashion I'm even more disinterested. To each his own.

sent by mirrorflash Morse code

I pretty much agree with S. Prime on this.  I think that as long as you need a phone or tablet to tether to for the best functions then smart watches will be relegated to geek or niche devices.   Only when they are stand alone devices that can make calls and access the net will they have a shot in getting to the mainstream.  The problem is that even if they are standalone for phone calls, the screens will never be big enough to web browse comfortably.  I think 10 years from now we'll each have a large screen phone/phablet on us but a smart watch?  I'm not so sure.  Regardless, it's still interesting to follow how the technology develops.

A dick Tracy videophone watch seems like a good idea, but one knock against a doorknob or forgetful dive into the pool would relegate this expensive tech to my drawer of broken dreams.

I'll wait for a ring with holographic projection and hand gesture recognition. Right after I win the lottery.

sent by mirrorflash Morse code


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