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TrafficGet traffic conditions and alternate routes before you leave for work. Google Now also puts traffic to your next likely destination at your fingertips.Public transitWhen you’re near a bus stop or a subway station, Google Now tells you what buses or trains are next.Next appointmentWhen you have an appointment, Google Now checks traffic so you can know how long it'll take to get there. You even get a notification for when you should leave.FlightsGoogle Now keeps you up to date on flight delays and traffic conditions to the airport for flights you've recently searched for.SportsGoogle Now keeps you updated on your favorite sports teams in real time, with live scores and upcoming games. You can even can buy game tickets on the fly.PlacesWhen you’re on the go, Google Now will suggest nearby bars, restaurants, and places of interest. You can quickly jump to Google Maps to get more info, reviews, or even make a reservation.WeatherWhen you start your day, Google Now shows weather for your current location and work.TranslationGoogle Now helps you find just the right word when you're away from home.CurrencyUse Google Now to quickly check the local conversion rate when you're traveling.Time at homeWhen you're in a different time zone, Google Now shows you the time at home so you never feel too far away.
Google Now must be primarily for the phone. I don't see it working on the Nexus 7 since it is wifi only, or am I missing something?
How does the GPS/wifi know what type of transportation you're using when giving a commute time?