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[SNIP] My primary is BTHomehub2 plus the BTWifi with FON and BTWiFi if I select them it indicates I am connected but if try to go online it comes back connection error [SNIP]
As a note, you can skip the WiFi configuration in the initial setup and set it up later [SNIP]
S.Prime, matt thanks for the suggestions but please remember the problem we are having is in the initial set up so we cannot even get to Settings to try any of the suggestions that involve 'go to settings'. Until the initial set up is complete we cannot do ANYTHING on the Nexus.BT is indeed British Telecom - the main UK Broadband provider.Anyways toulky, my Nexus is now up and running and all is well.The solution?Well it's very embarrassing really, I was using the wrong WiFi WPA Key (password). How did I find out?I went to the Settings on the Home Hub and checked out what the key was set to.As S.Prime says it's also on the label on the bottom of the Home Hub - as long as you haven't changed it from the default.I then remembered I went from WEP to WPA when I upgraded from Home Hub version 1 to version 3. I obviously didn't change the key in my password database - d'oh! Hope yours is such as simple a solution.Thanks for all the suggestions Guys and apologies for my stupidity, or my memory module failure anyway. Hehe!If only the error message had been more meaningful such as "Incorrect username or password" instead of the totally misleading "Authenticating..."
hi I have been reading comments on problems with bt broadband wifi connection i am having the same problem , i can connect with my sim cardand I can connect with the wifi at work. but when i put my password in for bthomehub wifi if fails .....its driving me mad its not the wrong password I have checked this..............I have noted a few suggestion from the forum and hopefully this will work..............more anoncelia