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Good question Kyoo! I've been using it as an awesome organization and brainstorming tool. I use 'Evernote' and I love how the Nexus 7 and my HTC EVO 4G LTE are automatically synced with all my ideas available at the push of a button. Intead of lugging my laptop around I can take my Nexus 7 when I drive out of the city (NY, where I live) and head up to some places I go upstate to brainstorm and get fresh air. I also take it to Central Park and can sit and enter ideas into it and when I want to take a break I can use it as an e-reader...or play a game...or watch a video. It's like having 4 devices in one in a way. I've also been getting into the game 'Dead Trigger' which really shows off the graphics abilities of the Nexus 7.