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No regrets here. I bought my 8 gig device assuming I would feel 1.4 gigs with an astronomy program . two bird identification programs took up less space than I thought they would. I am currently with 3 gigabytes free space on my Nexus expectations of feeling much more space up. By the way, I dictated this message in its entirety using voice recognition. Finding voice recognition to be the best feature of my tablet.
while $50 more for 8 gigs may be a ripoff, essentially it's a nice meal out. im glad iw ent with 16
I listen to streaming music and have never stored mp3s. And I have always deleted videos after I watch them. so here's where I'm at... I have installed 110 apps, and still have more than 2 gigs left. even with the 8 gig model I can't imagine how I'm going to fill all that up.
Has anyone noticed Amazon is selling 8 GB N7s for $279?! That's a 40% markup.