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I had installed the app Ultimate Rotation Control which was causing the stuttering. I uninstalled it and it fixed the problem.
Got this response on another forum:I paid the license for Ultimate Rotation Control, was about to uninstall to avoid stutter but...in the app, you can also edit the settings for each app.So in order for games not to stutter, you can turn off this app.Applied settings so this app wouldn't affect Riptide for example, result: no stutter But still I got the rotation on the homescreens, landscape automatic etc.So small piece of advice, play around with the settings for each game, homescreens, apps etc to avoid stutter.It's really not a bad app after all edit: just switched off (you see a screen with a red cross through in the settings of the app) Ultimate Rotation for all my games, youtube, videoplayers etc.. to avoid the stutter.When opened in the app (if you switched off Ultimate Rotation for that specific app) you see the icon in your notification bar change to a small screen with cross so you know it's switched off.Happy camper now no stutter in games, videos, youtube