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I can see what your getting at, personally I wouldn't touch an A**le product but that's my personal opinion.Personally I think Android is a good starting point for hacking, I would never have hacked anything until I got into Android and I certainly wouldn't of dreamt 3 years ago when I got my first Android phone that I would know what I do now about Android as limited as my knowledge is.
YesGoogle took off the microsd slotGoogle charged the Apple rate of 8gb for $50Google has not opened the rom on the Motorola phones it now owns
See what I mean, Google seems like a cooler company technology wise and product wise, though the iPad seems like the simple product non rebellious Tech Geeks flock to. It seems like the old days of Macs vs PCs, with the Nexus 7 starring as the Mac and the iPad as the PC.
Where are the adverts then?Okay so a few apps, usually free ones have ads it I don't see any others?
Really?Advertising apps for Android, not really Googles usual advertising and I'm sure doesn't make the revenue that Googles usual advertising makes?
Yeah I agree they make money from Play but I don't see ads as such......oh yeah I'm rooted and use AdFree....lol