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http://www.zdnet.com/google-charges-50-for-7-50-worth-of-storage-in-the-nexus-7-7000000790/Another reason we miss the sd slot.
Google is charging for actual consumer value, not part by part... I bought the 16 gig because to me, as a consumer I still valued the extra storage enough to pay the extra $50... I don't feel like I was scammed lol
All companies do it in all industries. Look at Apple charging hundreds more between models for just 16GB more of ram or car companies that have a DX, LX and EX model that are thousands apart in price but only a few hundred...if that...in actual improvements to the vehicle. This is how they make their money. As long as it's competitive with competitors...and I would argue that in the case of the Nexus 7 it's actually VERY competitive...then I'm ok with it. It's called capitalism.
Personally i was quite impressed with Google's business model for the Nexus 7. Certainly they leveraged the Android OS and the Google Play Store, but the impressive thing they did was to break away from the iPad pricing structure, which has over priced previous Android tablets. When one compares the hardware and the $200 - $250 price tag for the Nexus 7 to other Android tablets you can bet that the consumer will benefit in the long run.