I have four questions regarding the N7:
1. At random times, I get a notification in the notification screen indicating the
j9pop3@gamil.com signin has failed. Sometimes, I get 5 or 6 of those same notifications at the same time. I can access the gmail app, so why do I keep getting that notification?
2. I cannot figure out how to add or delete contacts when using the yahoo mail app. Any help?
3. I've tried repeatedly to use Google Now to use voice to send an email, but I have not yet succeeded. It does work when I type in the request to send an e mail on Goggle Now. Any help?
4. When I set up the gmail app, I deleted many contacts that I don't need. I recently received a message that I deleted too many contacts, and I now can't delete any more contacts. Any help?
This is my first experience using any kind of tablet, so I would appreciate any help I can get.