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Evolutionary, but not revolutionary! A bit "ho-hum". New JB4.3 is good, but I'm sure it will soon be pushed down to orig N7.N7.2 is probably a boost for gamers, but not much new for conventional low-power users (e-mail, book-readers, occasional web browsing). Sorry to see no micro-SD card.Think I'll wait for awhile. It least I'll not need to repurchase and reinstall all my apps.
I think it looks a great bit of kit!HDMI out, high def screen, stereo speakers, wireless charging and £100 less than an iPad mini?Its a bargain...The only trouble for me is that I still love the original and have about 8 gig worth of space that hasn't been used, and I bought it on launch!! There's still tons of life left in the original for me.Asus and Google do a great job
There was a picture of an inventory screen showing the new Nexus 7 16GB and 32GB at CarphoneWarehouse in the UK. There wasn't a release date but I'm pretty sure it's going to be sooner than later. I'll try and put a post up about it soon when I find out more info.