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Messages - jrdouce

Pages: [1] 2
Nexus 7 Accessories / Re: Adapting a Dock as a dash mount
« on: May 22, 2013, 01:10:45 PM »
I'm probably a bit late replying for the OP, but I've been using a adjustable windshield mount and an adhesive dashboard disk.  It's been successful and stable for a couple of months now. 

The mount:
The dash  adapter:

Nexus 7 Accessories / No official dock yet?
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:50:07 AM »
Just curious, is there any chance there will be an official, landscape, dock for the Nexus 7 out in time for Christmas?  I haven't seen much evidence if the existence of official accessories using the pogo pins, since a few speculative articles from back in July.


Nexus 7 Apps / Re: Good clock/weather widget for the 7?
« on: November 02, 2012, 12:36:00 PM »
I'm testing Animated Weather Clock.  It looks good, but I want to see if my battery life drops with it installed.  I've also used 3D flip clock and weather, but the weather screen is s bit limited.   Animated Weather has a slider so you can see how the weather will change.  I 3D weather only shows the current forecast.

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Charging Time?
« on: November 02, 2012, 06:09:20 AM »
Thanks all.  I was unaware of that.  I always thought, since the USB port is a computer standard, that the wall chargers emulated that.  Good to know. 

I charge using the supplied charger and wall outlet about 1/2 the time, but that's over night when I don't see how fast it is.  I only see how slow it is when I'm trying to charge it at my desk before I leave work.

Nexus 7 Help / Charging Time?
« on: November 01, 2012, 12:23:02 PM »
Just wondering how long other's Nexus 7 takes to fully charge?

Mine charge time seems unreasonably long.  It was at 35% when I plugged in into my PC, after 4 hours of not using it, it's at 66%.  Battery drain isn't bad, sometime it's worse than others depending on what apps - like live wallpapers, I've got installed.   But at this rate it will take 12 hours to charge.    I'm not sure it's always this bad, but it does take several hours every time.

Just curious, is this common?  Is there something I can do to speed it up?


Nexus 7 Audio/Video / Re: Streaming personal media from PC to Nexus 7?
« on: October 05, 2012, 06:33:57 AM »
I know the Nexus Q is going to be a set top box, hardwired to an HD TV or stereo receiver, but if Google wants to provide a serious alternative to the Apple ecosystem, they will need to offer a solid alternative to AirPlay.  There are many 3rd party alternatives.  So far Skifta has been the most stable and reliable for me.

Several hours later I did receive a string of old texts.  It must have taken a while to sync.  It is still too slow to be useful, so I I'm giving Talkatone a try.

I am able to send SMS texts from my N7, but replies all go, and only go, to my mobile phone.  That is the number associated with my GVoice number, so I understand why my phone gets the reply, but it defeats the purpose of using GVoice, if the sending device is not included.

I'm hoping there is a setting somewhere that I have missed. 

Any ideas how to fix?


I'm sure you're right about apps not going to sleep; but are they designed to?  SMS, Weather, Email etc, apps poll regularly for new messages or alerts.   Weather Channel is always one of the top battery draining apps on my N7, and I seldom use it.   I'm not sure if there is anyway to prevent installed apps from actively updating\polling; but I haven't made finding it a priority.

The Lounge: Off Topic Forum / Re: My GOOGLE NEXUS 7 EXPERIENCE .
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:18:23 AM »
That's terrible. My order and fulfillment was seamless, but I've had issues in the past. 

I assume you ordered with a credit card?  Have you tried contacting your credit card company?  Some card companies have pretty good customer purchase support.

Once when I had an issue with purchase, I disputed the charge, although it was a legitimate charge.  This cause the claim to be flagged and reviewed by someone higher up in the vendors support organization, who was able to resolve my issue.

Good luck.  I'm loving my Nexus 7.  I hope you get the opportunity to enjoy yours.

Customer support.  "We're not satisfied until you're not satisfied."

I use it as my primary music player - except when I'm hiking or working out, then I go back to my Clip+.  I sprung for Winamp pro, so I can wirelessly sync music to the device from my desktop for times wifi is unavailable.  I have several internet feeds, Last FM, Songza, Pandora, Google Play and Plex, Orb and Skifta to access media from my PC.    I have all that on my phone as well, but I never use it, because I've been caught with a low, or dead, battery too many times when I need to make a call.

I also like the big screen.  My tired old eyes can read it!  I need to get some Bluetooth speakers now.

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Please help Discharging..??
« on: September 13, 2012, 06:56:30 AM »
I've found that the micro usb port isn't very secure.  The slightest movement of the Nexus, or brush against the cable, can break contact and cease charging.  Could that be the issue?

I think tablets can, and will replace PC\Macs for most things.  Remember the 3270 terminals from the mainframe days?  It was nothing but a monitor with a key board.  Where I work, we have to use Citrix to access all our enterprise apps, even for development.  That effectively reduces my PC to a 3270 with a web browser.  There are a few guys here with company issued iPads.  They run citrix and have the same access that I have.  Add a doc with a keyboard, and they pretty much have a laptop. 

I think it would be great to have a single "server" computer in my home and then everyone has a tablet as personal terminal.  As the OP stated, we would need more customization and security options.

I asked the same question.

You can red the full thread here:

But to give you a quick answer; I haven't actually used it to navigate any long distance yet, but it has NavFree does work away from wifi on test drives around town.

Nexus 7 Polls / Re: How much do you use your Nexus 7 on a typical day?
« on: August 27, 2012, 08:14:14 AM »
1-2 hours on a "typical" day.

Sometimes I'll use it more, but seldom over 3 hours a day.  I still use my Kindle a lot for reading, and my Sansa Clip, PC or Stereo for music much of the time.  I do use the Nexus for that and much more when I'm out and about.

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