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Topics - LaurelRaven

Pages: [1]
Nexus 7 Help / Spanish punctuation on long press
« on: December 13, 2013, 10:21:56 AM »
I'm using Google's keyboard and set it up to have Spanish available (I'm learning it right now), but I noticed that I can't do like other keyboards and long press the exclamation or question mark to get the inverted version.  I have to press the number key, then the extended symbols key to get that.  Is there a better way, or do I need to just switch keyboards?  Those characters are entirely too common in Spanish not to have them at your fingertips.

RTFM is Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer.

Nexus 7 Help / Switching between home screens not easy
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:15:42 AM »
Before 4.1.2, I was able to switch between home screens by just flicking my finger across the screen, even from the opposite side (when I'm holding it and navigating one handed, with my hand on one side, going back and forth).

Now, I seem to be having no problem one direction (usually towards my hand), but the other direction it will often bounce back and not shift.  I can push it halfway to the next screen and have it bounce back, so I often have to use my other hand to switch screens.

Wow, that sounds lazy of me...but, still, it is aggravating, and I've not been able to find a setting to change this yet.  Anyone else have this problem?  Is there an easy fix?

New Member Introductions / Loving my new tablet!
« on: September 20, 2012, 08:10:58 PM »
Just wanted to say hi!

I've been on android now for just about a year, when I got my Bionic.  I also got a Lenovo Ideapad K1, which I like, but as mostly gathered dust.

I'm semi active on Droidforums and Bionicforums, so thought I'd try a forum targeted at my new toy ;-)

I got my nexus two weeks ago, and it has been with me everywhere since.

So, anyway....hi!

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