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Messages - LaurelRaven

Pages: [1]
Nexus 7 Help / Spanish punctuation on long press
« on: December 13, 2013, 10:21:56 AM »
I'm using Google's keyboard and set it up to have Spanish available (I'm learning it right now), but I noticed that I can't do like other keyboards and long press the exclamation or question mark to get the inverted version.  I have to press the number key, then the extended symbols key to get that.  Is there a better way, or do I need to just switch keyboards?  Those characters are entirely too common in Spanish not to have them at your fingertips.

RTFM is Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer.

Nope.  As nice as that would be, on the rare times that I'm not near a wifi hotspot and want data, i just use my phone's mobile hotspot.

If i needed it more frequently, though, I'd probably get one.

Nexus 7 Help / Re: Switching between home screens not easy
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:18:27 AM »
Oh, it doesn't seem to matter which way I'm going, actually...and it seems rather inconsistent, that it will work fine one moment and the same swipe will just bounce back.

Nexus 7 Help / Switching between home screens not easy
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:15:42 AM »
Before 4.1.2, I was able to switch between home screens by just flicking my finger across the screen, even from the opposite side (when I'm holding it and navigating one handed, with my hand on one side, going back and forth).

Now, I seem to be having no problem one direction (usually towards my hand), but the other direction it will often bounce back and not shift.  I can push it halfway to the next screen and have it bounce back, so I often have to use my other hand to switch screens.

Wow, that sounds lazy of me...but, still, it is aggravating, and I've not been able to find a setting to change this yet.  Anyone else have this problem?  Is there an easy fix?

I know that the update did in fact include a change to the notification expand.  I believe that it was altered to use one finger instead of two somehow.

I know it can now do one finger expand, but I find two finger expand to be faster and I'm already used to it; it just doesn't seem to work right anymore.  So, is that a bug, and both should work correctly, or did they abandon two finger in favor of one finger?  Anyone know?

My personal experience was that Open Garden didn't work well for me.  It's been a while since I've tried Open Garden, though, so maybe it's gotten better.

FoxFi worked much better for me, and 1) I only need to install it on my phone, and 2) it works with any WiFi device (and at WiFi speed).

Just my two cents, your milage may vary.

So, I got the OTA last night, and I'm noticing that two finger notification expand (which I've already gotten used to, and seems faster to me) seems to not be working very well anymore.  Anyone else have that problem?

Here's hoping that it fixes the screen response issues...that was really the only bad issue I've had with mine so far.

The Lounge: Off Topic Forum / Re: What Hobbies do you have?
« on: September 29, 2012, 09:34:01 AM »
I'm into computers and computer technology; which is good, since that's what my career is in.  I love Linux, but I've found myself working with Microsoft products mostly (I live in a Microsoft town, so it's really hard to find a Linux job).  I'm working on certifications with Microsoft to support my "hobby".

I manage an Exchange and Active Directory environment, as well as a Citrix farm, and I've spent the better part of this and last month learning Lync to implement it in our environment.  It is going to be replacing all of our phones, and I got it to make its first test calls yesterday!  Yes, I'm excited.

Anyway, I love my job and that it is my hobby.

Nexus 7 Help / Re: AirDroid
« on: September 29, 2012, 09:24:49 AM »
The settings you will need will depend on the network you are connecting over.  One big thing that will be needed: the network you are on can't have any sort of isolation on.  Some wireless routers have a mode that isolates the wireless devices and won't route regular traffic to them; this is a protection feature, but it will also prevent AirDroid from working.

I can't be much more specific, unfortunately, since every router and network is different, configured differently, and calls this something different...and all of that assumes you have access to change the settings.

The easiest way to use it, or see if it works, is to load it and start it up, then type the address it gives you into your browser's address bar.  You can use either one; the IP address will connect directly to your device, while the web address will go to their server and will route you to your device by the identifier code it gives you.

I highly recommend Chrome for this, as it is a very smooth experience and it supports everything AirDroid is doing.  It should work fine in other browsers, too, though.

Basically, AirDroid works by acting like a web server on your device.  Everything it does is something you can already do (technically speaking), it just gives you a web front end to do it in.  That being said, it is an amazing project, and I hope it works out for you.

I think it's sweet.

My only problem is with some of the comments on both this and the other commercial.

This makes me feel better.  I don't spend on apps often, and I'm not running out just for this if i don't have to.

Nexus 7 Polls / Re: Should Google Offer The Nexus 7 In Different Colors?
« on: September 23, 2012, 01:39:09 PM »
Nope! I think everyone should have the exact same thing!

Honestly, though, i don't see a lot of value in it, but then, i like the grey and black most use (but I'm not crazy for the white), so I'm not the best judge.  If it is something people would like, then i think, sure!

Though, most people add personalization thorough protective sleeves anyway.

Nexus 7 Apps / Re: Jelly Bean and the Nexus7 With Google+
« on: September 20, 2012, 08:18:44 PM »
I agree.  The only reason I currently use Facebook is that the people I know are mostly only on it.  I check G+ once in a while, and find myself wishing I could use it more.


New Member Introductions / Loving my new tablet!
« on: September 20, 2012, 08:10:58 PM »
Just wanted to say hi!

I've been on android now for just about a year, when I got my Bionic.  I also got a Lenovo Ideapad K1, which I like, but as mostly gathered dust.

I'm semi active on Droidforums and Bionicforums, so thought I'd try a forum targeted at my new toy ;-)

I got my nexus two weeks ago, and it has been with me everywhere since.

So, anyway....hi!

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