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Messages - erik

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Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: Using Nexus 7 for internet pages
« on: November 07, 2012, 11:26:55 AM »
I don't like how 7" tablets render webpages. It's not really the fault of Google or the Nexus 7 team; the problem is that most sites at the moment don't do a good job of serving of pages for mobile devices. This will change over time, as more sites clue in and use responsive design and HTML 5 to render pages. But for now, I virtually never bother to open Chrome on my Nexus 7 because most websites look terrible, so I do all my web surfing on my desktop.

However, all is not lost. I'd suggest you use some combination of Flipboard, Instapaper, and an RSS reader like Google Reader. Each of these apps will extract the text of a website's page, and reformat it for nice display on your Nexus 7. You'll have beautifully formatted text of whatever you want to read.

I think iPads still have the best RSS readers, so I personally use Mr. Reader on my iPad and Instapaper on my Nexus 7. There's a nice version of Flipboard available from the Google Play Store.

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: GPS W/O WIFI?
« on: August 06, 2012, 03:58:31 PM »
My experience so far with the Navigation app is that I can easily set it before leaving the house to give me driving directions to wherever I'm going. And as long as I drive straight there and don't veer from those directions I'm fine.

But if I deviate from the suggested route, the Navigation app isn't smart enough to readjust my route to get me to my destination.

Finally, once I reach my destination, I cannot get turn-by-turn directions home unless I access a wifi network. I can, however, retrace my route without receiving turn-by-turn directions, following the blue route on the display back to my home.

Does my experience using the Navigation app line up with everyone else's?

Nobody's answered this in this thread, but my OTG adapter still hasn't arrived, and I still need to know if you can use this an OTG adapter to hook up a USB keyboard.

I already have a regular female USB to male micro USB adapter that works fine for this purpose, but I suspect there's no reason to get this sort of adapter when an OTG adapter does the same thing and also supports access to thumb drives in rooted Nexus 7 devices. Am I correct in this assumption?

New Member Introductions / Re: Writing a Book on the Nexus 7
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:18:57 PM »
@samalax That's great to hear you were big into Hypercard. It was such an amazing tool. I created a huge stack called "VegieCard" about 20 years ago. It was really the first big project I ever completed as an adult. Also, about eight years ago, Dan Winkler was my landlord for half a year.

My book's finished and the copy has been corrected and I just need to port the text to ePub. I'm hoping it'll be available from Google Play within the week. I've had a few non-techie friends read it and they really enjoyed it. Now they all want Nexus 7s :)

I did a bit more digging in regard to my first question and discovered that not all female usb to male micro USB adapters are OTG. So I just bought an OTG version of this adapter.

One remaining question: I assume that in addition to being able to hook up thumb drives or cameras, this adapter can do everything a non-OTG adapter can do. In other words, I could use this OTG adapter to hook up a USB keyboard. Am I correct on this matter?

Nexus 7 Accessories / Re: Suction Cups / Dashboard Mounts
« on: July 30, 2012, 02:23:50 PM »
I just did a little more looking and found something that's been rated highly by a Nexus 7 owner:

Arkon SM517 Windshield Mount for 7-Inch Tablets

I'll order mine today.

Nexus 7 Accessories / Suction Cups / Dashboard Mounts
« on: July 30, 2012, 02:15:46 PM »
I expect a lot of us are going to want to use our Nexus 7s in the car for navigation or listening to audio. Does anyone know of a suction mount that would work with our units?

BFM, I read your article and it was really helpful.

A couple questions:

1) I assume a female USB to male micro-USB adapter is not inherently an OTG cable, and that if I want to hook up cameras and flash drives I'll need to buy an OTG cable. Am I correct?

2) Once I own an OTG cable, must my Nexus 7 be rooted/jailbroken in order to access my camera or thumb drive? Drew, if you're reading this, could you let us know if your Nexus 7 is jailbroken?

Thanks so much, everyone! This thread has been super helpful.

Drew, have you managed to transfer photos from a camera to the Nexus 7? I have the necessary USB adapters but I don't see any way to get the Nexus 7 to recognize my camera. I'm thinking the same restrictions against the Nexus 7 accessing thumb drives and flash storage apply here. But please let me know if I'm mistaken, if this task can in fact be accomplished through an unrooted Nexus 7.

I bought a Micro USB Male to USB A Female Adapter and have successfully hooked up my Nexus 7 to a USB keyboard. But given that an unrooted Nexus 7 doesn't support thumb drives, I'm wondering what other uses this port has—especially since they don't exactly make tons of drivers for the Nexus 7. Is anyone here using the USB port for anything other than a keyboard?

New Member Introductions / Re: Writing a Book on the Nexus 7
« on: July 27, 2012, 02:06:09 PM »
Thanks, @Samalex. I've written a bunch of 86/286/386 clone PC manuals after I finished college. And I briefly was a contract tech writer at Apple for a Hypercard-type programming environment that never shipped. I've spent most of my career writing books about animal agribusiness and vegetarianism, and I publish

I've owned an iPad for the past couple of years but there was something about the Nexus 7 that really appealed to me. It's going to take me a long time to gain the skill-set to understand its more esoteric features, but it looked to me like nobody was writing much about it for the newbie audience. I doubt many people on this site would want a book as basic as the one I'm writing. It's more a book for your mothers and fathers who've never owned a tablet, and who think that the cloud is where birds Twitter.

Nexus 7 General Discussion / Re: (godawful) home screens & widgets
« on: July 27, 2012, 01:38:33 PM »
Thanks, everyone, for the very helpful comments. It hadn't been clear to me that I could just delete useless widgets and put app icons and useful widgets in their place. I've now constructed a pretty decent front page that shows recommended apps, my gmail inbox, my calendar, and my six most commonly-used apps. All in all, I now like my Nexus 7 home screen more than my iPad home screen.

And @radiocycle, I'm new to Android and came to this community looking for some help getting started. What's the point of making unkind comments to somebody who is trying to figure out the basics?

Nexus 7 General Discussion / (godawful) home screens & widgets
« on: July 26, 2012, 08:32:58 PM »
I hope this doesn't come off as trolling. I'd love to see a spirited discussion on this point, as I think it would be really valuable.

Is there anyone here who DOESN'T view the home screens and the widget screens as fundamentally broken, and both hard to navigate and understand? Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't get it. Overall, I'm so impressed by my Nexus 7. But the all-important main Home screen strikes me as an absolute train wreck— like if I threw a few books and DVDs I own on my floor.

But maybe I just haven't figured out the subtleties of using these screens. I've dragged widgets to the home screen's secondary pages and I don't see the point of doing that either. What I want to do is modify the default first home screen to contain all the apps I generally use, instead of being senselessly dominated by a bunch of images from my media library.

Maybe I'm just imposing my iPad-centric biases here, but it seems that where the home screen is concerned Apple got things right, and Google's current implementation is clunky and ill-conceived. I've realized that the Nexus 7's Home Screen's dock is super flexible and useful, but the rest of the Home Screen makes no sense to me at all. What I'd like is for the primary home screen page to offer up a collection of my favorites folders and apps. And while realize I can dump widgets for some of these on secondary pages, there doesn't seem to be any point do doing so.

So here's how I use the Home screen right now. I've carefully thought through what I want in my dock, and I've got folders there for my games and productivity apps. I view the remaining 80% of my primary home screen as an ugly, cluttered waste of space (images for my Google books, music, and videos). If what I want isn't in my dock I hit the Apps screen button in the center of the dock and choose what I need from that screen.

Am I doing this right? Or am I missing a way to create a more elegant and useful functionality? If I'm missing something, it's sure not obvious. In whatever version of Android comes after Jelly Bean, there's nothing I'd like more than for Google to completely redesign the Home screen.

Eager to hear what our community thinks.

Nexus 7 Help / Activating Dictation through External Keyboard?
« on: July 26, 2012, 07:50:19 PM »
It's not in the official guide, and I've yet to figure out how to do this. Is there a keystroke on an external keyboard that will trigger dictation?

I suppose if that isn't possible, the next best thing would be to "eject' the USB/bluetooth keyboard to bring up the virtual keyboard so that the dictation button can be hit. Does anyone know if there's a keystroke that can eject and later remount the external keyboard? It would obviously suck to have to go into settings to "forget" your keyboard, and then re-pair the device every time you wanted to use dictation.

I've got an Apple bluetooth keyboard and the button in the keyboard's upper-right corner ejects the device on my iPad, but has no effect when the keyboard's paired to my Nexus 7.

New Member Introductions / Writing a Book on the Nexus 7
« on: July 26, 2012, 07:18:51 PM »
Hey All,

I'll be releasing a book on the Nexus 7 by mid-August. I've been diving pretty deeply into using my Nexus 7, and so far I'm incredibly impressed by all that $199 gets you.

I decided it would make sense to come here and participate as much as I can on these forums.  **edited by admin**

I'm looking forward to participating in this forum and making some new friends.


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