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Messages - anken32

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New Nexus 7 Android OS (2nd Gen) / Re: Have deleted 4.4.4 OS by mistake
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:13:06 PM »
Just a quick thank you!
  Everything is working well so far.  Thanks for suggesting the tool kit. It has updated me to 5.1. 
 I had forgotten all about it. Had used it before to root my Nexus.
Didn't do it after the latest Kit Kat update. Will probably do it again now...and will donate again.  What a wonderful program.
Again, thank you matt for your help! I appreciated it very much.

New Nexus 7 Android OS (2nd Gen) / Re: Have deleted 4.4.4 OS by mistake
« on: December 08, 2015, 12:34:56 AM »
matt, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found WugFresh Tool Kit. Did a flash stock for "soft brick" . It worked great!  Placed my Galaxy s4 next to it and got everything back.
I'm sooooo happy!!!!
Will write tomorrow...'cause it's way past my bed time.
Most of all.....thank you sooo much!!!!

New Nexus 7 Android OS (2nd Gen) / Re: Have deleted 4.4.4 OS by mistake
« on: December 07, 2015, 11:26:27 PM »
Thank you matt!  I have followed your suggestion. Got as far as :"Advanced wipe"  "Complete/Successful".  Writing on bottom...updating partitions, etc....Full
SELinex support present.....MTP enabled...updating partitions details..done....
Have made a check mark on all but the system to wipe... Have wiped incl. internal storage but even from there it's still stuck.
If I go back to the recovery home, I can sort =name ,date, size    ascending or descending...
There is nothing else written on the screen and I don't know what to do with it....
So, where it bogs down for me is at the point :"Updating partition details....done"
Got any idea where to go from here?  Is this a motherboard problem? 
Again, I appreciate so much your taking the time to help!!!!
PS: If I go back to the menu and press "Bootloader" the message says :"No OS installed...Are you sure you wish to reboot?"  Hmmmm

BTW, I have Win7 on my laptop. What toolkit are you suggesting? How do I get to it to because laptop doesn't recognize Nexus
Please forgive the rambling....

New Nexus 7 Android OS (2nd Gen) / Re: Have deleted 4.4.4 OS by mistake
« on: December 06, 2015, 11:17:42 PM »
Thank you for writing. Yes, I have tried some of the other USB ports without success.
When I first attempted to do the factory reset, I got to the point of choices "Start-or Recovery".  I chose "Recovery" but from there it got stuck. A screen with various windows popped up with choices like " install"  and I don't remember the others....Have tried them all because none of them let me advance to the next step. Obviously I did something wrong but can't figure out what....
I'm at the point where I can't do anything with my Nexus7. The screen stays on with the Google Logo and the open padlock showing. If I hold the power button down long enough it will turn off and then come right back on again. It stays on until the battery runs out. If I recharge it, I'm back to the Google Start Screen. BTW, my Nexus is (was) not rooted.
Did I create a brick?  I just don't know what to do from here.  If you or anybody else has any suggestions, I will be very grateful. Thanks for your time.

New Nexus 7 Android OS (2nd Gen) / Have deleted 4.4.4 OS by mistake
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:27:26 PM »
My beloved N7 was getting too slow and I decided to factory reset. I wanted to reinstall everything from scratch and didn't make a back up....
I didn't realize that it also didn't back up the OS.  Have tried so many different things but nothing has worked.  Now it has gotten to the point that N7 doesn't even turn off. If I press the power button long enough it turns off but also turns right back on. Attaching it via USB to my laptop has not helped. Device driver shows only MTB Device under "Portable Device" with the yellow exclamation mark.  Clicking on "update driver" does not help.
External HD and Cell phone USB devices are working well.
I have downloaded :" minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.3.1 setup " and   "nakasi-ktu84p"  but can't seem to do anything with it because I guess the laptop doesn't recognize my N7.
I can't get to any settings on my Nexus7 and can't even turn it off.
Does anybody have any suggestion??????  I'm beside myself and don't know where to turn.....


New Nexus 7 Android OS (2nd Gen) / Can I update to Marshmallow?
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:21:28 PM »
Hi, my Nexus 7 still has KitKat 4.4.4 (Build # KTU84P) on it.  Have never updated to Lollipop because I had a lot of problems when I updated my Galaxy s4 to it. After a hard reset everything was OK on the Galaxy.
Is it possible now to update my Nexus7 from KitKat (bypass Lollipop) to Marshmallow when it becomes available?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

After having done a lot of research, it seems that the only way to convert those files would be with another program. I just didn't want to do that.
So, I  deleted all . thumb files and reinstalled those pictures. (Lucky for me that I still had them)This time I made sure that they would be .jpg files.

 Hi, my N7 ver.4.4.2 has the "Gallery" for my photos.
It works fine except I'm unable to remove/ delete any unwanted pictures.  Have tried all kinds of remedies I found online but nothing seems to work for me.
Now I'm looking for good alternative to Gallery. My problem is probably that it  automatically syncs with my laptop. Can't delete them on my laptop either...
I would actually prefer to add my pictures manually via USB Cable.
Can you recommend an app. for my Android Devices (Nexus7 and Galaxys4)?  Most of all, I'm looking for an app where I can easily delete any images.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Hi, I have some .thumb files with my .jpg files in the picture folder of my Nexus7 ver.4.4.2   
I'm running Win7 64bit  on my laptop with Picasa software.
Is it possible to somehow convert those .Thumb files to jpg? Haven't seen my question in the search option and I hope that it has not been covered before.
Thanks in advance for any advice.

I finally got a chance to tell you about my update....
I downloaded "Dropbox" to laptop and Nexus, put all documents in it and downloaded a Document Reader (.odt)  to my Nexus.  Now the files are readable on both N7 and laptop.
Anyway, thanks for your help previously. Ann

New Nexus 7 Android OS (2nd Gen) / Re: Convert .rtf files to .txt files?
« on: February 25, 2014, 11:08:42 PM »
Thank you for your reply, tiny.
When I open the files and  “save as” and switch to either .txt or .doc , then try to import into my N7, I get the message “sorry, cannot copy”.
I have imported the files into N7 when it's connected via USB. The files then have the .odt extension which is Open Office. 
They open and are readable in the N7content when hooked up with USB.
When I try to open the same files on my Nexus, I get the message “no application available”.
I don't know how else to handle it....If you have any other suggestions, I will appreciate it very much.
Thannks, Ann

New Nexus 7 Android OS (2nd Gen) / Convert .rtf files to .txt files?
« on: February 22, 2014, 06:07:09 PM »
Hi, I recently had to reset my N7 to factory condition after a messed up update to KOT49H. All is well now and it's rooted again.

I have a lot of files that I have saved on my laptop (Win7). Have tried to transfer them back into my Nexus but they have they seem to have the  .rtf extension.
I have Kingsoft Office installed on my Nexus and also on my laptop hoping to be able to transfer those files but I'm using Open Office on my laptop as default.
Have tried to download a File Converter but it seems that it gives me unwanted  toolbar, etc. without getting to the transfer the text files.

Is there a way to convert those .rtf files to .txt files without downloading a file converter? Does anybody have any other suggestion?
Thanks in advance, Ann

New Nexus 7 Help (2nd Gen) / Re: Unable to connect my N7 to laptop
« on: February 21, 2014, 05:53:31 PM »
Thank you, tiny.
I have made notes of it for future reference.  I'm very grateful for this forum. Ann

New Nexus 7 Help (2nd Gen) / Re: Unable to connect my N7 to laptop
« on: February 18, 2014, 06:05:19 PM »
Thank you matt!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your help and patience. I followed the threat from  xda-developer and it worked. Now I finally got the right drivers and can see all of the files.
Life is good!  Thank you so much!!  Ann

New Nexus 7 Help (2nd Gen) / Re: Unable to connect my N7 to laptop
« on: February 17, 2014, 05:58:46 PM »
Thank you for your help, matt!!
 I haven't had time to get back to answer you and  to my problem sooner.
In the meantime, I returned my N7 back to factory condition and rooted again.  Was able to reinstall many apps from the backups.
I never had this much trouble updating the OS before....
The drivers now installed are ADB Interface.  I guess I didn't toggle off USB debugging in time.  The desktop icon now showed a camera which I changed to something else. Everything seems to be working o.k. so far.
To get everything the way it should be.....could I delete the driver in Device Manager, reboot the laptop and then toggle off USB debugging and let Windows search for the correct driver while my beloved N7 is hooked up via USB? Would I have to make any other changes?
I appreciate your help very much!!!!!! Ann

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